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"So.. so, you think she's attractive?" Richard's friend asked, taking a puff from his cigar.

After doing the same thing, Richard replied, "Yes."

"Attractive but not beautiful?"

"Very beautiful. One of the most beautiful women that I've ever laid my eyes on."

"And she likes you?"

"I guess."

"And you're not screwing her?"

"No way! We're just friends."

"How can you be just friends?"

"I can talk to her about things that I can't talk about with others."

"And how long have you known eachother?"

"A few months or so. She's staying with Melinda Nelson."

"Oh, I know Melinda."

"They've been friends for years. Since they were four, or something like that."


"I really like talking to her. My whole world light's up when I see her face. She's just such a beautiful person. Inside and out. So funny, so witty.. so quick. I enjoy spending time with her more than anyone else."

"That sounds like love to me."

"I do love her. I never said I don't."

"What do you mean?"

"I love her in a friendly way."

"How can y-"

"Oh my god, I'm in love with her."

"I knew it. Your eyes lit up the second that you mentioned her."

"What am I gonna do?"

"What are you gonna do?"


The phone rang. "Hello?" She picked it up.

"Emily, hello."

Her voice perked up. "Hi, Richard. What's up?"

"Are you doing anything tonight?"

"I'm a free girl. Why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go dancing tonight."

"Sure. I just have one question."


"Why do you wanna take me instead of Linnie?"

"Linnie isn't a good dancer like you."

"Oh, you." She laughed. "Yeah, I'll go with you."

"Great. I'll pick you up at 9:00."

"I'll be ready. Don't be late, okay?"

"I won't be."

"Bye, darling."

He instantly got flustered. "B-... Bye, Emily."

He heard her slightly giggle, and hang up the phone.

He let out an exasperated sigh, and plopped down on his bed. All he could do was stare directly at the ceiling... thinking about her. For hours. It was like admitting that he was in love with her made him crazy.. and knowing that he couldn't do anything about it made him crazier. He was afraid of ruining their friendship. And Linnie. Poor Linnie. What was he gonna do about this? N-

The phone rang. As I was saying-- Nothing. He decided that for now, he wasn't gonna do anything. Why should he take the chance of leaving Linnie, and getting rejected?

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