Author's Note

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Hello Darlings,

In the upcoming weeks, you will begin to see a new work being posted. It is not a new work as you will see very easily. The Rules will be getting a facelift and some much needed editing. At least, I am hoping to. If the real world doesn't get in the way.

Why now? Well, other than cringing when I re-read random chapters, there is the Watty's to consider because this is third times the charm and because of you lovely readers I am convinced that it's worth the shot to submit it again. I want to give it my all and make it worth a chance, or some kind of recognition at the number one rankings that you have all helped The Rules achieve and maintain for several months now.

Thank you all for your support, honest criticism and encouragment since The Rules came out. I still can't believe how far this story has come, and what it has turned into.

Thank you all, and be on the look out,


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