Chapter 5

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Fuck was the first word to cross my mind as I stirred to life

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Fuck was the first word to cross my mind as I stirred to life. I knew everything in the moment; the where, the how, the when and even the who. The why was blurry and what the hell was I thinking.

I looked at the peaceful girl curled up in my arms. Her lips were slightly parted as her even breaths cause her chest to rise and fall. Thanks to the large tank she found to wear, the collar dipped lower than it should. She was perfect.

Passing out hadn't been the plan when I climbed into bed with her. I figured I would stay long enough for her to relax and fall asleep then slip out of the room. The addicting smell of her shampoo drew me in and I let myself revel in the moment. It felt like I had just closed my eyes when I was waking up to the sun slipping through the gaps between the curtains.

Looking at her again made me want to stay. All I wanted was to be there when she woke up. Then I remembered who exactly this perfect girl was and I made quick work of freeing my arm. She barely moved as I stepped onto the plush carpet. Scooping up my shirt, I stuffed it into my back pocket and eased the bedroom door open. Once on the other side, I eased it close and made my way to the disaster zone.

Blaine had asked about Lucas last night and I didn't have it in me to tell her the truth. The guy was beyond protective while sober. When alcohol is involved it triples. There were plastic cups and bottles across every flat surface in the living room. Passing through to the kitchen I noted one broken dining room chair and a bulbless lamp on the floor. Rounding the corner I found Shane, Joe and Lucas sprawled out at the kitchen table. Swiping my arm across the counter to clear a space, I jumped up and looked to my friends.

"She up yet," Lucas asked in a low voice. I shook my head.

"Still passed out," I answered. Joseph held out the box of donut holes to me and I took one before popping it into my mouth.

"I'm still a little confused," Shane crossed his arms behind his head as he leaned back in his chair. I slowed my chewing. Fear crawled through me that they knew I shared a bed with the girl who was completely off limits. "What was she even doing with Owen?"

"They were hanging out last night," Joe answered with a shrug.

"But why?"

"Why not," I asked. Joe looked at me amused while Shane looked at me surprised. Lucas' disapproving gaze was the one I chose to stare back at. "All I'm saying is Blaine's not the little girl we grew up with. I'm pretty sure that was proven last night."

My mind was flooded with the image of her when she entered the kitchen last night. That tiny ass black dress and her hair falling in waves around her face. She wasn't the quiet, focused girl she claims to be. At some point she had grown up and we missed it.

"I don't care if she's sixty with grey hair and thick ass glasses," Lucas spat, "She shouldn't be getting mixed up with guys like Owen."

"I told you last night, Mayhem," I sighed, "He followed her. She wasn't inviting him."

"Did y'all see him go flying when she hit him," Joe has that wild smile on his. The one he used when trying to ease the tension. "I kind of wanted to see if she would knock him out with the second one."

"I'm going to see if she's up yet," Lucas grumbled. He pushed his chair from the table and rubbed the back of his neck as he left us. We listened to his heavy footfalls on the stairs. As the door upstairs opened and closed, Shane looked at me. His brow was raised as was the corner of his mouth.

"What," I nodded to Joe for another donut.

"You look pretty relaxed for someone who slept in a chair the whole night." Joe held the box to me with a smirk.

"I slept on the floor," I lied. "I couldn't stand sitting in that chair let alone risk sleeping in it."

"Right," Shane rolled the word around on his tongue before resting his arms on the table. "Listen, Finn, I've known Lucas for a long time. You don't want to get on his bad side. So whatever you got going on in that head of yours, shut it down. His wrath isn't worth it. Trust me."

"You sound as paranoid as he does," I force out a weak chuckle. "I wouldn't even consider touching her."

"Touching isn't what I was worried about Lucas seeing last night," Shane's permanent smile was replaced with a hardened frown. "Watch yourself, and your wandering eyes."

"You were checking her out, too," I shrugged.

"Yeah, and I'll suffer for it. But I'm ready for it. Are you?"

Shane was right. Lucas would take it out on him during practice. We've all witnessed other guys being tackled with such force we had to stop the drill. Joe offered me another donut as I weighed Shane's words. Having no siblings of his own, I know he truly claimed Blaine as his sister just like Lucas was his brother. Joe and I, we were basically outsiders compared to the three of them.

"I'm not her type anyways," I popped my neck to try and shake the weight being added to my shoulders.

"And what is her type," Joe asked with mock intrigue.

"Lawn Fairies, clearly." That earned me a round of laughter. We were cut short by fast feet storming down the stairs followed by the slam of the front door. Lucas appeared in the kitchen looking worn out.

"We're going to head out," he sighed, "See you guys later."

They were fighting again. This year was going to be a struggle for both of them as Blaine pushed the boundaries her brother had set up years ago. I couldn't blame the guy. They've had it rough and he felt responsible for her. The last thing any of us want to see is her in any kind of trouble, but Lucas would have to be there. The three of us could continue with our lives like nothing changed.

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