Chapter 43

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I practically collided into a wall of people as my friends stopped short in their drunken tracks

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I practically collided into a wall of people as my friends stopped short in their drunken tracks. Shane looked over his shoulder at me before heading for the stairs. Luke shook his head and ventured into the living room, finally allowing me to see what had them acting strange. Buried beneath the crocheted blanket was a sleeping brunette. Luke sat on the edge of the couch, rubbing a hand over his face.

"Laine," he mumbled. I stopped him from waking her and nodded toward the stairs.

"She needs the sleep, man, and you're in no shape to carry her."

"And you are?"

"Who do you think drove us home?" I nodded again. "I've got her. Go on."

He looked down at his sister before getting to his feet. The warning glare was a silent reminder that I was to sleep down here after I got her settled. Then he was gone. Somewhere on the second floor and hopefully crawling into bed. I contemplated taking his place on the couch and coaxing Blaine back to the world of the living.Then I remembered my own warning.

The last few weeks have been rough on her. Heather told us that she hadn't been sleeping too much. Between classes and practice she wasn't able to do much else. Even at school all she did was study. I understood why though. If she kept her grades high enough, then she could get into any school she wanted after graduation. One's halfway across the country or maybe another country all together. If she could, she'd apply for a spot on the moon if it meant being away from this place.

Once I had made sure the blanket was wrapped around her, I gently scooped her up. The only time she moved was to snuggle closer. Her fingers curled around my shirt as I reached her room. The exhaustion clearly plaguing her didn't dull the beautiful gold and green color of her eyes as they looked up at me through her lashes.

"Go back to sleep, Lainey." Her head rocked back and forth against my shoulder in refusal. "Why not?"

"Because if I go back to sleep, you'll disappear." The long lashes fluttered as she tried to keep her eyes open.

"I'm not going anywhere," I promised as I set her on the bed. She didn't release me, big eyes pleading with me to stay. I sat beside her which seemed to ease her worries. She balled up the blanket I had attempted to use to keep her warm, and shoved it to the edge of the bed.

"I know Lucas is still being an ass, but I really don't want to be alone tonight." She crawled under the blankets and pulled back the corner for me to join her.

"Do your parents know where you are?"

"Can we not talk about them," she sighed as she stretched out on her side.

"After you answer the question." I gave her a smile then laid down beside her.

"They know, and truthfully I don't care what happens. I'm tired of living the way they think I should. I want things to go back to the way they were." Her voice softened as she curled her body closer to mine. My arm wrapped around her instinctively. It felt like ages since we'd had a peaceful moment like this.

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