Chapter 13

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Running my hand through my hair for the millionth time, I watched my brother

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Running my hand through my hair for the millionth time, I watched my brother. Nerves coursed through me as my leg bounced on the bleachers. He was having a good practice. No rough hits, a few recoveries and even a blocked extra point kick. Today would be the day.

Over the weekend I told Finn I would talk to my brother. Now that it's Thursday, there really was no way to put it off. He had team dinner, and would be stuck on a bus Friday for the away game. After the game will be another field party and I don't think I can handle keeping my hormones in line with Finn so close.

At the thought of him, I instinctively sought out the big white eleven marking his practice jersey. He was down field pushing off the defender ready to intercept Shane's pass. A whistle chirped and the play ended before the ball could be released from Shane's expert hand.

Pushing the sun glasses up to the top of my head, I began my descent to the fence line. The huddle was breaking before I could make it all the way down. Looking up, my brother was jogging over to me.

"What are you still doing here?" Sweat dripped from his forehead as he removed his helmet.

"I was wondering if we could talk for a bit?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Great," my smile was genuine. "I'll meet you by your truck."

With a nod he ran toward his teammates who were waiting. I followed the curve of the fence along the field. Like every other time I hung around after practice, I took my time getting to the other side of the property. Finn and Joseph we're leaving the locker room as I finally reached the school building.

"Lainy," Joseph yelled as he dipped down and threw me over his shoulder.

"Joe, put me down," my free arm reached around to hit his back.

"No way. I do that and some guy might try to talk to you," he spun around and ran a few feet from the locker room door. Finn's lopsided smile and wave told me I was on my own. "Can't afford any more injuries to our team."

"Stop being dramatic." I rolled my eyes. He set me on my feet near the gate separating the parking lot from the official school grounds.

"Go on," he pointed firmly to the lot. The tough guy look suited him. It wasn't him though. He was always the teddy bear that enjoyed making people laugh.

"Meany," I teased sticking my tongue out. He shrugged as if it didn't affect him. "Boring stick in the mud."

"That's uncalled for," he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.

"Sorry, Joe."

"So," he scratches at his jaw, "I've been wanting to talk to you?"

"About what?"

"A few weeks ago, when we crashed at your place. I heard your conversation with Finn. He seemed pretty harsh and I wanted to make sure you're okay."

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