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John attended a captain's conference in Washington City on Earth at the behest of Admiral Renjay. He didn't wish to attend, but the Admiral talked him into it. The Reliant was in the middle of a mission at the time the conference was held. So he was flown to the conference in a shuttlecraft piloted by a young pilot named Sheila Ramsey. Sheila wasn't much on conversation, which was fine with John since he was apprehensive about going to the conference. And he was right about being apprehensive since he regretted going there the moment he showed up. He hardly talked to any of the other captains who were looking at him like he didn't belong there. He spent much of the time there drinking glass after glass of synthetic alcohol since he no longer drank real alcohol and ate a few plates of the various cheeses and meats they were serving at the conference. The one bright spot was when he spoke with the new captain of his old ship The Pretorius who was an affable young woman named Shirley Hanson. She informed John this was her very first command, which didn't surprise John given how young she was. John regaled her of tales of how that ship saved him more than once during the Karnin war.

"She's a good ship with a good crew," he told her.

John didn't stay for the entire conference as he slipped out early and had Miss Ramsey fly him back to The Reliant. However, when they reached the place where they were to rendezvous, The Reliant was nowhere to be seen.

"Where the hell's the ship?" John said.

"I'm not sure, Captain," Shelia responded.

"Make a full scan of the area. She's got to be around here somewhere."

"Aye, Captain. Making full scan of the area."

A few moments passed and still no sign of the ship. But then the shuttle's scanners finally picked up The Reliant's signature. They flew up to the ship, and John was astonished by what he saw. There were plasma burns on the outer hall of the ship like it had been attacked.

"What the hell?" he muttered.

"It looks like the ship is adrift, Captain," Sheila said.

"Can you read any life signs onboard?"

"Checking. Yes, sir, scanners are detecting three life signs onboard."

"Three? Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir. Only three."

Feeling panic rising up within him, John jumped out of his seat and went to the center of the shuttle.

"Where are you going, Captain?"

"I'm going aboard the ship to see what the hell's going on."

"What do you want me to do, Captain?"

"I want you to stay out here until I can ascertain what's going on inside the ship."

"Aye, aye sir."

John took his transporter band out of his jacket and wrapped it around his arm. He switched it on and soon he was engulfed in a bright white light. Within seconds, he was transported onto the bridge of the ship and was shocked by what he saw.

"Lisa!" he exclaimed.

Lisa was lying on the floor of the bridge, but she wasn't moving. At first, John didn't recognize who she was. Her face and hair were caked in blood, and her uniform was torn to shreds. John wasn't even sure she was still alive. He rushed over to her and knelt down beside her. He quickly checked for a pulse and was relieved when he found one. It was faint, but it was there nonetheless.

"Lisa," he called out to her, trying to awaken her. When she didn't move, he reached out and grabbed her by her shoulder and shook her. "Lisa!"

She finally came to, coughing and spitting up blood. She gazed up to see the Captain kneeling next to her.

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