V. Make Your Point

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        Chapter 5, Make Your Point


     " There's gonna come a day where you'll need to stand up for yourself, you need to prepare for that day because I'm not gonna be here forever. "

  ~ Harper's POV ~

         That night after I finished eating dinner, I walked upstairs and into my room to grab some underclothes to take a nice warm shower before going to bed.
   I didn't bother telling my mom about the anxiety attack that I had outside of the door, she would just worry and I didn't need her going full helicopter mom on me.

    When I got to the bathroom, I closed the door and turned the light on before turning around and locking the door, I set my clothes down on the closed toilet seat before opening the shower curtains and turning the nozzle, I turned it to the hot water and stripped from my clothing.
    I got into the shower and began to scrub the dirt off of my body with a loofah, I wanted to feel clean so that I could sleep alright when I got to the bed.

    Just can't to lay in my bed and feel the comfort of the soft mattress and the silky sheets that I have, if I could marry my bed and sleep, I would and we would be a happy couple.
   So I dreaded my shower to be done so that I could rest my head on my fluffy pillow and rest my body, even though i got my second day of school tomorrow.


   "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

    The chants got louder as the circle became bigger, I was walking with Charlie and Dylan searching for Lori-Anne and Sophie when we came across the crowd.
   We were going to ignore it but that's when someone moved, I looked inside of the circle and dropped all of my things before racing to the center and shoving Kaylee off of Sophie, Lori-Anne had only came moments after I pushed Kaylee away.

    My heart was at my throat but at this moment, all I cared about was defending my best friend and making a point to Kaylee, she shouldn't be bullying anyone at all.
   Kaylee got up and I immediately got into my stance, I raised my fists and knew that if she was going to fight dirty, I could fight dirty too.

    "Kaylee, we don't need to fight at all, just go away and pretend this never happened."

      I tried mediating the situation, I didn't want to fight at all but when she swung at me, I knew that I needed to put my big girl pullups on and decided that if I'm gonna get into trouble, then I'm gonna do it defending my best friend.
    Charlie ran in to grab Sophie before walking out of the circle, Dylan was getting into the fight and started chanting my name as I threw a left right hook at Kaylee and watched her stumble back.

      Kaylee got a punch in which only angered me more, I didn't want to lose this fight because it meant that I didn't get my point across, they needed to leave me and Sophie alone.
   I decided that if I needed to get Kaylee to stop picking on my best friend, that I was going to have to draw some blood and I know exactly how easy it is to draw blood.

     When Kaylee got back onto her feet, I had to kick her down, I needed her body to be flat down on the concrete before I drew blood, all my adrenaline was coursing through my veins and I had to do this.
    This fight started the minute the pm homeroom bell rang, we were allowed to go home and Sophie was on her way out when Kaylee started her stupidity.

    "God, you just don't listen, do you?"

     I breathlessly asked as Kaylee was now on her back, I was on top of her before I decided to throw a punch, there was a crack but I didn't stop there.
   Drawing blood was all that I needed to do, I continuously threw my punches while the crowd of kids went wild, excited to see more blood.

      I finished punching her when I noticed that she was going to lose conscience, I got up from her and helped her up before pushing her back down on her butt and walking out of the crowd, my friends following me as I walked to the girls bathroom to clean my knuckles.
    Sophie had a busted lip and a black eye, it was good that I had found them with Dylan, as I washed my hands, Sophie began to apologize over and over again.

     "I'm sorry Harper, I know you didn't want to get into any fights or any type of trouble, I hope that this doesn't affect your chances of getting a spot on the dance team."

     I looked at Sophie and grabbed a bunch of napkins to dry up my knuckles when the blood finally washed down the drain, I didn't even care about the dance team anymore, I cared about fact that my best friend is getting walked all over.
   " There's gonna come a day where you'll need to stand up for yourself, you need to prepare for that day because I'm not gonna be here forever. "

     I told my best friend as I hugged her tightly, I knew she didn't mean to cause any trouble which is why I'm never angry about it.
   She tries sticking up for herself but it doesn't even work for her, people just try walking all over her and that's when it gets more difficult.

    It's like your cleaning your room and your siblings comes in to your room just to ruin it again, giving you more things to clean, but from today forward, I have to start helping my best friend learn how to be her own person.
    When someone pushes you to the ground, you sweep their leg and break their face in, it's time to play dirty or play to survive, and quite frankly they look similar.

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