VII. Your Fight is Mine

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    Chapter 7, Your Fight is Mine


  " Although I told you that you are gonna have to start defending yourself, that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop having your back. "

~ Aurelia's POV ~

       Lately Sophie has been trying to get people to stop walking all over her, she didn't want my help nor did she ask for it, so I just let her be, not wanting her to feel as if I think she can't do anything without my help.
   During lunch today, she wasn't herself but I didn't want to ask her and she snaps at me, Sophie is a very emotional person and sometimes it's better to let her calm down on her own without having to speak about it.

      I didn't look her way because I knew she would glare at me and then be in a pissy mood the whole day, I always couldn't be bothered to be at fault for when she snaps at someone.
  So right now the best thing to do is mind my business, she'll come to me when she's ready, I can't rush someone.

    "Harp, can we talk? Like in the bathroom?"

     Sophie asked me, I felt my heart drop down to my feet as I nodded my head and got up from the bench and walked with her to go to the bathroom, I didn't know what she was going to tell me.
    As we walked into the bathroom, there were girls who were washing up their hands and then walking out of the bathroom.

     "What's going on?"

    I asked her curiously, since we were already in the bathroom, I decided to empty out my bladder because why would I wait until lunch to finish to then go? I have PE next period and didn't want to miss any type of second.
   Soph walked to the stall next to me and you could hear her zipper go down, there was an awkward silence as we peed, I looked around the stall and thought of all the things I could tell my best friend and comfort her.

    When I finished using the bathroom, I grabbed the toilet paper and cleaned myself before pulling my pants up and walking out of the stall, I walked to the sink and grabbed some soap.
   Soph came out with me, I looked at her and smiled before washing the soap away from my hands and then grabbing the napkins to dry my hands up but not walking out of the bathroom yet.

    "I tried to defend myself now, I didn't want you to get into anymore trouble and have people come for you because of me."

      Soph began, you can see her lip quiver as she began to tell me how bad she felt that she always has me take care of the physical fights, I looked at her and wiped her tears away before pulling her into a warm hug.
    Her salty tears stained my grey cropped hoodie as I rubbed her back and whispered sweet nothings into her ear, trying to make her feel better was my top priority right now.

    " Although I told you that you are gonna have to start defending yourself, that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop having your back. "

    I whispered to her as I wiped her tears away with my sleeves, she smiled at me as she pulled me into a hug, Sophie always gave the best hugs whenever she was upset.
   That's something I always loved about her, but I always managed to cheer her up because I didn't like seeing her upset, seeing any of my best friends upset was enough for me to want to cry.

     "It doesn't matter how many fights I get in, your fight is mine and vice versa. That's how our friendship is, I'll always have your back."

     I reassured Sophie before grabbing her hand and walking out of the bathroom with her, I was glad that she was no longer crying because I would've started to cry as well, Sophie smiled at me and we walked into the cafeteria.
   Dylan pointed at us which told me that they were probably looking for us or they were speaking about something and couldn't find a discreet way to tell each other that I arrived to the lunch time party.

    Walking over to the table, I'm guessing everyone expected Sophie to be in an even worse mood than last time but were surprised that she was back into a happy mood, the whole conversation was about our extracurriculars, we didn't know what we wanted to do yet.
   I knew I wanted to join the dance team, but I wanted to help them out figure out what they wanted to do.

      The best part of having a friend group that joins different extracurriculars is all the different drama that goes on, Charlie joins debate, Dylan joins volleyball or cheer, Sophie joins the basketball team because she's very competitive and Lori-Anne joins drama club.
   I loved going to their plays and their games because it gives me something to do for the whole day and sometimes even the weekend, the pain in my ear was now a little more gentle than yesterday.

    "Well, tryouts are this week on Friday, I'm so excited."

    Lori-Anne sang as she opened her soda can and took a sip from it, I looked at her and nodded in agreement except that I was also nervous about it.
   Seniors were on the team last year which mean that they're probably looking for bigger and better, I wanted to be bigger and better, I needed to be bigger and better.

    So when I got home today, I started to practice my dances and began to stretch my limbs so that I could be flexible and ready for the tryouts, they went something to blow their minds, I'll give them something to blow their minds.

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