X. Looking For Mama Bree

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       Chapter 10, Looking For Mama Bree

    " I'm probably coming down with a cold, it's nothing, don't worry about it. "

  ~ Harper's POV ~

        "I know what you want, what you want from me, I know what you think, what you think you see. I know what you're looking for but I'm complete, I know what you need but it won't be me."

     Ariana sang as I danced along to the lyrics, it was early in the morning and I was trying to get dressed for school but Bloodline has me in a chokehold and I just can't go a single day without listening to it, but everyone has that one song that they need to listen to or their house will blow up and destroy everyone and everything inside, or is that just me?
   It didn't matter, I put my lipgloss on and turned the music off as I walked down the steps slowly to eat some breakfast before walking to the bus stop and going to school, my throat felt really sore and felt like I wouldn't be able to talk today but I didn't really mind it.

    My mom had to work a night shift tonight so she's resting up to be ready for an all nighter, I feel bad for her at times because she deserves a break but she claims that this is just showing me that a woman can be her own super hero for herself and her daughter.
   I'm happy for her, she's taught me how to be independent and that whatever I needed or wanted, I could get it for myself without any help from anyone, and if I did need help then I could just call her up or call my best friends, but never rely on a man to do a job you could have done with a glass of wine.

      Despite being too young to even drink wine, it didn't stop me from pouring grape juice in a wine glass and doing the things that I didn't think that I'd be able to do alone, sometimes you just have to put faith and hope into yourself so that you can have motivation to do it.
   I want to teach my kids this, I know that they would thank me for teaching them this life lesson that my mom taught me when I was their age, I've always wanted a daughter so that I could have a special bond with her like my mother and I.

       Finishing my breakfast, I did the dishes and grabbed the house keys before slinging my bookbag on one shoulder and leaving the house silently, I locked the door and walked down the street to the bus station.
   Putting my earbuds in and playing my Spotify playlist, I tuned out the world just to enjoy my music and enjoy the fresh breeze that was always flowing through the air.

      When I got to my stop, I got off and walked down the street, crossing the road and walking up the street to get to my highschool that I didn't even like going to anymore.
   I walked inside and walked to my locker, checking out my schedule as I opened the locker and placing my things inside that wouldn't be needed for today, after making sure that I had everything I needed, I closed my locker and walked to the cafeteria.

     My friends weren't here yet, so I just walked to the table we normally sat at and listened to my music as I waited for them to show up, neither of them actually liked showing up early so I had to wait for about fifteen minutes for all them to finally get here.
   I could strangle them if I didn't actually love them, they had me sit here for fifteen minutes and they didn't even bother to come up with an excuse, although the truth is better than any type of lie, an excuse would have been better in this situation.

     "God, I could kill all of you."

    My voice was hoarse, as if I had been screaming all night which caused me to lose it, weird looks were shot my way before Dylan quickly attached her hands to my face to check if I was sick or not.
   Noticing that I didn't have a fever or wasn't sniffling, she just thought that I had watched something scary or got scared and screamed until my lungs gave out.

   "After school, we should go to the woods behind the local supermarket. There's a myth about a young woman that was sent away from her home for getting pregnant at an early age, her name was Breanna but everyone called her Bree. At night, you can hear her screams of plead."

    Does Lori-Anne not think when she tells us these plans? Does she actually think that we're going to mindlessly agree to her psychotic plan without asking her?
   The answers to those plans is no and yes, when you're living in a small town and there's barely anything going on then you would also agree to these freakish plans without think anything wrong of it.

      I was going to say something but my throat stopped me, it began to feel as if it was throbbing and that I had swallowed an avocado pit and it began to grow in my throat.
    We walked out of the cafeteria but Dylan stopped me at my homeroom class to ask me if I was alright and if I had eaten something that may have began to irritate my throat.

   " I'm probably coming down with a cold, it's nothing, don't worry about it. "

   I reassured Dylan before walking into the class and telling the teacher that I was present.

        As the time passed by quickly, I was a little nervous to go to the woods with Lori-Anne because I didn't want to die there but then again, it's already too late.
   I don't want to die in the woods, what if they never find my body?

     That's somethings that's always freaked me out, but what can you do when you have someone like Lori-Anne in your life?
   You just gotta take a deep breath and pray that nothing leaves you too injured.

     When the bell rang to signify that it's time to go home, I got nervous as Lori-Anne grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the front of the school where we waited for the rest of the group.
   Once we were all together, we began the journey to the woods.

   Pray for me.

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