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I was currently in Poison class where Slughorn was blabbering on and on about some of the most dangerous potions in the whole world and how we were going to make one of them: Emerald Potion or some might know as Drink of Despair. Wow, such a great reminder of how I was feeling at the moment!

"Chop-chop, get to work," Slughorn clapped his hands enthusiastically then looked at me with a sterner facial expression, "Miss L/N, I'd like to speak to you."

That was it. Was Slughorn a Death Eater too? Wouldn't be surprised though, half of the school couldn't be trusted at this time considering that two of that noseless twat's goons could enter the school. Slughorn was probably going to tell me to either back off or tell me the exact day when he will give me as a hostage to the Dark Lord.

"What is it, professor?" I asked with a slightly irritated tone.

"Oh, dear, don't be so gloom with an old man will you," Slughorn said and put his hand on my shoulder taking me toward the end of the classroom, "Listen, dear, I have noticed in the recent days you haven't been yourself. You look as if you saw a family get slaughtered."

So, I overthought that, didn't I? I can't blame myself; all of this Death Eater business had a big toll on me and my sleeping schedule. Come on did I really think this old man would be a Death Eater? As if Voldemort would need a potions expert in his army.

"No, sir," I decided to respond after a few seconds of astonishment, "Nothing that would be crucial."

"I seem Miss L/N," Slughorn sighed and took his hand off my shoulder, "But know this; in Hogwarts, if you need help you will always get it if you just ask. Now brighten up and get to making this potion."

What kind of Dumbledore-level riddle type of crap did this man just say? Nevertheless, I appreciate the effort. He was one of the only teachers besides Snape, who cared about me. Even though Snape was a Death Eater, he didn't want me dead at the hands of the Dark Lord. It's the Potions teacher in him, I'd guess.

As I started making the potion, I saw Draco arguing with Blaise about the ingredient that needed to be put in the potion. When you look at it, Draco isn't as intimidating as students make of it. It's amusing even. Just an ordinary guy who likes to snap at people out of boredom.

I laughed to myself about it and went back to grinding Deadlyius Mushrooms in the little bowl.

"What are you laughing at, L/N?" I heard a deep but annoying voice say. I turned around to see Crabbe and Goyle with their hands crossed across their chests. They always looked ridiculous when they did that to anyone.

"Hey, it's dumb and dumber," I said sarcastically, "I was laughing at nothing you should be worried about."

"Don't laugh at Draco, or-"Crabbe threatened but I cut him off.

"Or what? You'll throw your blonde boyfriend at me?" I said with a smirk, "Now if you don't mind, I will continue on making this stupid potion."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Crabbe grab his wand and point it at me. Jeez, talk about having a stick up your ass.

"Crabbe, Goyle, that's it, get back to your potions you idiots," Draco said with a cold voice approaching me. Both of them obediently went back to their cauldrons as commanded. Did Draco potty train them too?

"Long time no see, haven't seen you for a while," Draco said smiling and rubbing his neck nervously, "How about we play chess tonight? I have this new board; you will like it for sure."

Now, here is the thing. I would love to play chess with the guy who never let me sleep this whole year but made him fall for him, but there was a change of plans. Since I knew I would have suffered huge emotional damage when Draco left, I decided to avoid him for the time being and not get hurt. Plus, this would help him too, right?

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