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The next day ended as soon as it started. I spent most of my time skipping class in the library's Restricted Section looking for ways to stop what was going to happen in a day. I looked for protection, combat, and hex spells and even looked for recipes for potions that could manipulate someone into doing what you wanted or kill someone with just one drop. However, using this information in a plan would be impossible. I needed a plan which I couldn't have due to the fact that one of the teachers is a Death Eater and in case of telling anyone about what would happen would be plain suicide. I thought of multiple ways of running away from the Dark Lord but the same problem of the latter finding the blonde through the mark couldn't be solved. I also thought about fighting against them in the astronomy tower all by myself against Draco, but it would be pointless. Snape would kill me if I tried to hurt Draco. But then it hit me; who would help me in defeating Snape? Who would be perfect for turning Voldemort's plan upside down? It would be none other than Potter.

I'd explain the whole situation to Potter and his two other friends and ask for help. I'd tell them when it hit 12 o'clock we would be in Astronomy tower awaiting Draco's and Snape's arrival. The four of us would be unbeatable against Snape and Draco alone.

I was going insane.

I quickly closed the books I took off the shelves and ran to the Great Hall. It must have been lunchtime because almost every student was there, including the ginger friend of Potter. I ran toward the Gryffindor table and stopped next to where I noticed Ron. I looked to the right seeing Hermione but Potter wasn't there.

I got extremely worried.

"Where's Potter?" I asked Hermione panting looking all around the hall trying to search for her four-eyed friend, "WHERE IS HE?"

"Merlin, calm down," Ron chimed in throwing his hands in the air, "Harry isn't here if you can't see."

"But I need to talk to him right now, Weasley!" I yelled which attracted the whole attention of the hall onto me, "You don't understand, I need to talk to him, like, right now."

"Y/N, calm down," Hermione said sternly, "We don't know where he is."

Something bad was happening to me.

"Granger, tell me where Potter is!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and drew out my wand and put it against her throat, "WHERE IS HE?"

I saw Luna rush over to us with her wand out and pointing at me. This was not going to end well.

"Y/N put your wand down," Luna said with a serious tone.

"Serpensortio!" I shouted without thinking and out of my wand popped out a snake that immediately went for Luna.

Luna froze it in place with a swift gesture of her wand.

"Expelliarmus," she cast a spell back at me which sent me flying to the other part of the hall.

"Expulso!" I shouted back but Luna dodged it instead, it hit the wall behind her blowing up.

"Y/N, calm down, you are not thinking straight," Hermione shouted pointing her wand at her to which I responded with a confringo. The floor under Hermione's feet exploded throwing her onto the table next to which she used to stand.

My mind was spinning with endless thoughts of trying to find Harry. It didn't occur to me that I simply just exploded a wall, threw someone across the room and onto the table, called out a snake, and almost set fire. I was looking left and right trying to find where Potter was but I couldn't calm down, my adrenaline was through the roof, and my body temperature raised drastically.

"Crucio!" I shouted casting the unforgivable curse on Ron who was standing by, "Tell me where Potter is or your friend dies."

Ron dropped onto the floor screaming for help. He was rolling over the floor in pain.

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