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I woke up sweating. Where was I? I was in a bed in a dark room with no windows. I got up and looked around. On the right side of the small room, I saw fine black furniture with beautiful statuettes standing on them. On the left was a door that seemed to be shut tight. I looked up to see an old vintage chandelier slightly winging from left to right. I was still wearing the same clothes I went to Hogsmeade. I quickly checked for the necklace and thankfully, it was still there. Did I accidentally faint on the way back to Hogsmeade? Aberforth couldn't possibly own this place, then where was I?

I noticed my wand put neatly on the bedside table which I immediately took and got up. At first, I lost my balance but then regained my posture as I started to concentrate on the given situation.

I slowly started approaching the door trying not to make any noise. As I finally managed to get to the door, I tried to twist it open, but in vain. It was locked shut.

"Alohomora," I whispered pointing my wand at the knob which opened momentarily after I used the spell.

With most caution, I opened the door enough to inspect the outside of the room. There was a long corridor with a dusty red carpet on the black floor. The sight was clear; it seemed nobody was on the floor. I opened the door fully and got out of the room still walking as carefully as I can. As I was moving to the end of the corridor, I noticed an old staircase leading downstairs.

If I went downstairs the floor underneath me would creak for sure. But was there any way out of this place? The windows at the end of the corridor which hardly illuminated light were barricaded shut with wooden plates. There was no other way out I presume.

I focused my wand forward and took the first step on the staircase. It creaked loudly. I started moving forward holding my breath in, terrified of what I could see downstairs, or rather who. My heart was pounding harder as I took each step.

"Only three left," I whispered to myself with a shaky voice.

Suddenly though, I heard steps approaching in my direction. This wasn't good. I got closer to the wall near the staircase with my wand held up, prepared to send whoever was there flying to the other part of the room. The sound of the slow footsteps approaching more and more to me rang in my ear. I started breathing shakily. The tips of my fingers got cold.

"Y/N?" I heard an all too familiar voice, "Is that you?"

Taking a deep sigh, I finally came down to the ground floor. As I turned the corner, I saw a pale guy with dark undereye circles under his eyes which were as empty as ever. The same ring on his hand's fingers holding a wand. His blonde hair was messy, yet somehow the black suit made up for it. There he was standing in all his glory; he was Draco Malfoy.

"Draco!" I whisper-shouted in tears and threw myself into his embrace, "You dimwitted ferret-looking prat."

"Woah," Draco caught me hugging me back with his slender arms, "Quite a greeting you had for me there."

I didn't say anything. I was both smiling and in tears. What for? I didn't know. Maybe that's what happens when you miss someone you love. But alas, he was finally here with me, just like I wanted. He wasn't gone, he was well and alive, holding me in his warm embrace.

"Merlin, I missed you," Draco sighed with a whisper.

"You git, why didn't you send a letter to me?" I asked sternly looking at him, "You absolute..."

"I am an absolute what?" Draco chuckled rubbing his fingers in circles on my back.

"Haven't seen you in months yet you haven't changed," I said smiling into his chest, "Just as cheeky as ever."

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