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As soon as we heard the rumbling under our feet, we decided to split in order to take care of any intrusion into the third floor. Leila called dibs on having the first kill so I didn't argue. I was waiting patiently at the top of the stairs holding my wand out breathing heavily awaiting any expected guests. Not like they were guests of any sort, more like intruders.

A few minutes have passed since then and the yelling, rumbling, and sounds of explosions didn't stop. I was stuck all alone on one floor to protect myself and didn't know what to do or feel. In one moment, it felt as if I was on top of the world ready to take any Death Eater as an equal with my stupendous knowledge of spells and charms, but in another moment, I felt overpowered and inferior to anyone who I might be facing. Everything in the hallway was spinning around, my head was aching because of the uncanny voice that had spoken not too long ago.

I heard a few steps running up the stairs which got my heart humping against my chest harder than ever before. This was it. It was time to decide which spell to use against them. Maybe blow the ground under their feet up or throw them back into a wall. I could even turn them into hysterical dancing dolls for pure entertainment. I didn't have much time to decide, so I settled on the most basic solution to the situation of all: Expelliarmus.

I saw a messy bunch of hair pop out behind the stairs to which I reacted with a shout, "Stop right there!"

There was a minute of silence between me and the enemy. It felt like they were trying to figure out if they wanted to spare me or kill me without showing any mercy, which got me more nervous than before. But then again, it could have been a subordinate.

"Y/N?" I heard an oddly familiar voice say and step out, "Thank Merlin, I thought you were Bellatrix."

I took a good look at the masculine figure that appeared in front of me and was taken aback by the surprise of seeing none there than Harry Potter standing right in front of me in all his glory.

"Potter," I sighed in relief lowering my wand and clenching my heart, "Try not to give a heart attack to me next time, will you?"

"Actually," Harry disregarded my remark, "Now that you are here, please do me a favor, it's really important."

"And that is?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Keep anyone out of the Room of Requirements," Harry replied taking each breath with difficulty, "If there are too many to handle, rush to us and we'll take them out together."

"Not a problem," I said putting my hand on my heart as if promising to do what I was told.

And so, with that, he entered the Room of Requirements yet again leaving me alone with my own thoughts again. However, this wasn't for too long either. Not even two minutes passed, and I heard a few more steps approaching the floor I was on. These definitely didn't belong to one person only. Three people.

I could take them out by myself, couldn't I? Why not give Potter the pleasure of not doing anything unnecessary and concentrate on his own job? I was finally thrilled to do something that would shock the whole school. This was the moment when my ego wouldn't let go of me. I stood there with my wand confidently put out and ready to blow some heads up. I smirked to myself just thinking about all the glory that would follow up my victorious moment. However, my dream ended and all of that changed rather immediately after I saw a face. The one face that I never wanted to see during this battle. The face I wanted to both punch and shower with kisses all over. The one face that belonged to my beloved.

It was Draco Malfoy's.

My stomach got filled with butterflies again.

His face was just as shocked as mine was. He looked at me both in fear and regret. He wanted to burst out saying hundred times over and kick my shins at the same time.

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