thirteen. dirty sneakers

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chapter four,dear billy

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chapter four,
dear billy

・ 。゚☆ after the frightening revelation of max being under vecna's curse, possibly dying in 24 hours, and lucas finally escaping from jason and his cronies to join them, the group were hiding out in the wheeler's basement, going over a plan. "okay, be honest. do you guys understand any of this?"

"it's pretty straightforward." dustin shrugged.

"oh, straightforward, really?" steve scoffed.

"well, what's confusing to you? so far, everyone vecna has cursed has died, except for this old victor creel dude nancy found. he's the only known survivor. if anyone knows how to beat this curse, it's him."

"yeah, that's assuming that he was cursed, henderson, which we don't even know."

"how can vecna have existed back in the '50s? it doesn't make sense." lucas frowned.

"as far as we know, eleven didn't create the upside down  she opened a gate to it. the upside down has probably been around for thousands of years. millions. i wouldn't be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs."

"dinosaurs?" steve scoffed. "what are we-"

"okay, okay- but if a gate didn't exist in the '50s, how did vecna get through?" lucas questioned.

"0h, and how's he getting through now?" steve addded with a nod.

"and why now?"

"and why then? he just pops out in the '50s, kills one family, and he's like, 'eh, im good.' and poof- he just disappears. just.. gone? only to return 30 years later to start killing random teens?" the harrington boy shook his head. "no, i don't buy it. straightforward, my ass. and you know what, henderson, a little humility now and then? it wouldn't hurt you."

"sorry." dustin mumbled, focusing his gaze over to max, who was sat at the desk in the corner, scribbling at sheets of paper. "any idea what she's writing? did she sleep?"

lucas shook his head. "i mean.. would you?"

the basement door opened, and robin, lola and nancy descended down the stairs. "okay, so... we have a plan."

"a very good one." lola nodded.

"thanks to nancy's newspaper minions, we are now rock star psychology students at the university of notre dame." robin explained while nancy handed out the files for the others to look at.

"i'm now ruth."

"and i'm rose."

"and i'm betty."

but im a cheerleader, r. buckleyWhere stories live. Discover now