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Still Peters pov
I was going to my last class of the day finally, I was exited so I could get out of this hellhole and go to Ned's house and build Legos.

The bell ring signaling the end of the school day and I met up with Ned "dude why aren't you answering my texts?" I took the phone out of my jacket pocket and showed him it. "Oh sorry dude" Ned said looking down at his shoes.

We got to his house and his mum said hi to me and I said hi back, she was making dinner. We rushed up to Ned's room and he showed me the Lego's he was so exited about. We were building for about 30 minutes when Ned's mom came up and asked if I was staying for dinner. I looked at Ned and he nodded his head in approvement so I said yes. I didn't know what time MSB wanted me home but I hope she understood what happened to my phone.

I then realized I knew the orphanages number so I ran down stairs and asked Mrs. Leeds if I could use the house phone and she said yea.
I dialed the number and she answered half alsleep "hello" she said "hey Mrs. Brendel it's Peter" "what do you want?" "My phone got smashed and I wasn't sure if you got my text but just wanted to say that I'm staying at Ned's for Dinner and I'll get a new phone before I get back I promise ma'am" "be back before 8 or else" the line went silent after that.

I silently cheered that I wasn't going to get beat up by MB. I went back up and we got half way building the 3000 piece Lego set then went down stairs when Mrs. Leeds called us down. She had a made lasagna that looked delicious.
I didn't grab too much to eat cause I didn't wanna be a burden to her.

"Grab more Peter you look like stick. Eat!" Mrs. Leeds Demanded. I grabbed a little more and put it on my plate before sitting next to Ned. She smiled at me and nodded her head.

We finished eating and I said I would get going, I gave Mrs. Leeds a thank you and hugged her while me and Ned did our hand shake. I left out the door jogging a little bit looking to see how much money I had in my wallet. Great I only have $200 from working at the cafe this month. I got to the store and nodded at the worker and went to look at the phones.

The newest phone was the Stark phone V9 which was nearly $700! I decided to go with the SI phone V4 which was only $199 with tax! I got lucky!!

I payed and left the store going "home" and got all my old contacts into my phone that I remembered, I'd ask Mj her number tomorrow again and I'll ask Ned his too even though I think I have it down but not 100% sure.

3rd person POV
Later that night ⚠️ abuse ⚠️
MB came home later that night and heard about what happened to Peters phone and how he had to buy a new one. "PETER BENJAMIN PARKER GET YOUR SORRY LIL ARS DOWN HERE NOW" MB shouted up the stairs. Lily looked at Peter and Peter looked at her with worried eyes and he starts to walk towards the door shaking. "Y-yes sir?" He asked stuttering. "You little brat! You had to get a new phone?! What did you slip down the stairs?" "N-no S-sir it was s-smashed by a-a classm-mate" MB then slapped him across the face making him yelp and fall to the ground. MB then went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Beer and started chugging it down finishing the bottle in nearly 30 seconds

"Your such a failure" MB slurred out while grabbing 2 more bottles from the fridge. "I'm s-sorry sir I'll t-try better I-i p-promise" Peter said scared and on the verge of tears. "I don't want your weak sorries BOY" "YOU HEAR ME BOY" MB yelled at Peter making him jump a little bit. MB took the Beer bottle he was drinking and threw it right at peter.

Peters pov
My spidey sense was going crazy but I kept ignoring it. MB then threw a beer bottle right at me, I could've dodged it but that would've made everything even worse. I took the pain of the bottle hitting me right in the chest, the bottle breaking and flying and hitting my face snd shoulders. I whimpered in pain and quickly closed my eyes so I didn't turn into the pirate Nick Fury.

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