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Peters POV
It was about a week after Mr. stark found out something was wrong... at home. I was walking out of class and like usual Flash came up to me "Oi penis!" He said before pushing me forwards. "I got some math and English homework for ya" he said while pushing a textbook and a folder into my arms.

I was quite used to doing his homework but every Since he got fired from SI he has been making my life more than hell. If there even is a place, hell 2.0 maybe. "Why can't you just do it, I have enough homework. Try having your dad help you or something" I said right before dropping the books and papers onto the floor.
Right when I did that my spidey senses were going crazy and I knew I was dead mentally and physically.

I ran off in an instant and I could hear flash and his dudes yelling after me, I kept on running. Running like the wind "Parker get your ass back here you orphan!" Flash yelled. I was going to hide in the tower but I remembered it was Tuesday so I didn't have my badge with me.

I ran past the tower in hopes I'll run past a safe zone, I started to slow down cause 2 of flash's goons stopped so it was only Flash and the goon named 'Zack'. I stopped in front of a drug store to catch my breath and I couldn't see flash nor Zach anywhere. Did they give up? Probably, they weren't the best in fitness or gym... my spider sense went off and I sensed a gun? I ducked and then saw that Flash was holding the gun. Where the heck did he even get that gun from! His bag was at school!

He shot again and for some reason I didn't sense it. He hit me right in the leg, I fell in pain holding my leg and wincing. Flash came up to me scoffing "don't ever talk about my father and don't ever speak up for your self ever again or it will be more than a shot in the leg" he said right before kicking me in the chest repeatedly.

He was beating me up and all I could do was lay there helpless, afraid, and dying. I will never forget how getting beat up feels, everyone I've ever been handed to has beat me and beat me and beat me. It felt nice knowing I was still alive though, knowing that MB was still part of me.

I hate to admit it but I missed feeling the pain of a punishment, that's why I always cut my self after Patrol. I feel trapped with him like I'm connected to him. He stopped kicking me then went to walk away but kicked me in the head.

Blackness, all I saw was blackness. I felt helpless and weak, I knew I was but I could just never never admit it to myself but I knew everyone else knew I was weak and useless. Even Mr. stark and the Avengers.

I woke up to hearing beeping, not beeping like normal beeping but beeping like a phone buzzing. I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in the hospital. But it wasn't just a hospital I was in the Med bay at the tower. I heard some people talking outside, it sounded like Dr. Banner and Mr. stark. It was all mumbled and all I could here was ringing. The door opened and in came Dr. Banner "good to know your finally away Peter! How do you feel?" He said with a smile while writing something down.

"I have a really bad headache" I said while rubbing my eyes and groaning. "You have a severe concussion from getting kicked in the head a few too many times" Dr. Banner said while placing the clip board down. I didn't realize at first but then I looked down and saw the IV in my arm. What if they took my blood and tested it? Was all I could think about. I took out the IV and stood up in a rush to get out of this place.

"Wow there, slow down Peter your not fully healed yet, you got shot in the leg you can't wa-" he got cut off by me standing up and sorta limping to the door. Well... if they didn't know my secret before, they definitely know it now. "Peter be careful!" Dr. Banner said while walking towards me. Just before I opened the door Mr. Stark walked in and hugged me a hug little too tight "thank God, Kid your alright!" He said. "Mr. Stark your kinda squishing me." I said kinda in one breath.

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