Safe house

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Peters POV

"Peter your ok!" Wanda said while running up to me and hugging me very tightly. "Ya I'm ok Wanda" I said in a weak voice. Mr. Stark came up and patted me on the shoulder "don't scare me like that again Kid"

We all sat down and Clint kept his word about not telling anyone I was spidey. "What happened?" Jose said while waking up. "Hawkeye shot you with a tranquilizer arrow" I said with a laugh. "What? Is he gone? Wait are you on a plane?" "Ya we're in a plane and Clint didn't know who he was shooting" I said "still" he said rolling his eyes.

"How did you find that stuff your dad worked on?" Clint asked Jose. "Why should I tell you and trust you? You left me and my sister all alone. Didn't even reach out to us once after my dad died. He was your best friend" Jose said while standing up and getting dizzy. "I'm sorry Jose" Clint said

Jose scoffed "you couldn't even write a letter me or my sister" "it's complicated Jose ok, can we please talk about this later we need to get you guys to safety. HYDRA is acting as the 'good guys' and disguising as SHIELD agents"
"Isn't hydra a water company?" I said "no" Tony said laughing "these people I talk to mentioned HYDRA and thought I worked with them, in matter of fact they work at SI. I've never met them though" I said while looking down.

"Ya everyone at SI knows about HYDRA and SHIELD it's a safety per caution" Clint said "how come you didn't tell me about it Mr. stark?" Cause they don't know you work with me so your safe" "so what is HYDRA then?" I asked confused "it's bad guys. Like a mafia, but they attack super humans and people who pose to be a threat" Mr. stark said while Sighing.

"So HYDRA is after us?" "Ya... sorry kid" Mr. stark said while standing up. "Where are we even going?" Jose said "a safe house in Germany" Nat said. "Germany?"

We arrived at Germany a few hours later and we went inside the safe house. It was HIGE, Mr. stark showed me and Jose to our rooms. We were sharing a room but we didn't mind we liked sharing the room, we didnt have bunk beds at least, we had a normal ground level bed thank Thor for that. "Settle in, and your phones are on your beds." Mr. Stark said.

We got new phone too? I went onto the phone after I unpacked and texted the GC, I had so many in read texts again.

The gc no one wanted

I'm ok :D
I was rescued from the 'kidnapper'

Lightning McQueen
Thank Thor for that!!
We missed you Pete!

Witch lady
And you missed Christmas!


Mr. Hacker
For the last time he's not my son!!

We're glad your ok Маленький паук

Thanks Мама паук

Lightning McQueen
How did you get kidnapped anyways?

It's a long story

You better explain young man
We have alllll day

Actually no we don't we have to leave in an hour


So me and my roomie were just chilling getting ready for bed when something came flying through the window and then someone came in and kidnapped us.

You really got bad luck-

Boss lady
Wrong timing

It's ight Ik I got bad luck

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