Chapter IX

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I couldn't explain why, but the more I stare at the card, my brain begins to hurt. Almost like when my legs go through pins and needles. I guess all the stress involving my apartment is starting to get to me. I feel like I could throw up at any minute. It was at that moment that instead of calling Maison, I put the card back into my pocket. It's probably a better idea for me to go and a reasonably cheap-priced hotel than to waste more of my time with realtors.

"I better get a move on, before it gets late." I thought while grabbing my luggage and walking away from the apartment building, in hopes of finding a hotel. Eventually, I find myself in what seems to be the heart of the city, the many buildings and stores almost feeling as if they're closing in around me.

"Alright... Hotel... Hotel... Downtown areas usually have some, right?"

"Lost? Lonely? You didn't call me, y/n," says a familiar deep and creepy voice. It honestly startled me. And as I turned my attention to the source, only to see the one person that I didn't want to deal with.

"W-Woah?! M-Maison-? Were you following me?!"

"How silly."

"Huh? How is it silly?! Do you just follow someone as a side hobby?!"

"No no, my dear buyer. I am simply THAT GOOD. Number one realtor in all of Uncanny Valley after all. I'm very sure you remember this, right?"

"How can I forget... But this still doesn't make me feel any better!"

"You clearly need a place to go and I have the PERFECT HOUSE just waiting for you to be inside it."

From the moment he said those words, my brain begin to be in pain again. I feel like I have heard those words before, like a distance memory. But I can't seem to figure out where, and why. I'm starting to notice that he has an odd way of talking. But aside from that; how did he know my name when I never gave it to him..?

"Uh... Weird... How... Do you know my name?" I asked Maison. Instead of answering my question, he just stared at me. Clearly refusing to answer me.

"Listen, I'm just looking for a hotel. You know... HOTEL." I said as I made sure to really announce the word hotel to him as if he didn't understand. I really wanted to get this seller off my back.

"... Hmm... A hotel..." The tall gentleman seemed to be struggling with processing what I just told him. Something was even creepier when he frowned than when he smiled, which was shocking. And unsettling. However, It wasn't long for his trademark smile to come back.

"Oh... Oh my dear buyer. You are so confused and lost, I see."

"He wasn't even listening."

"Listen, just come with me, take a look around this lovely three-bedroom home with me. If you don't absolutely fall in LOVE with it, I will personally pay for your hotel stay while I search for a house that suits your... Specific needs."

"He's starting to become demanding now... And I didn't like how his last sentence was almost a purr. What should I do...?"

Almost everything about him was so hard to trust, but if he was being honest about paying for the hotel, what do I have to lose? I could just humour him for an hour and tell him no when he's done with his little speech.

"...Alright, Maison. You wore me down, I'll come and look at this house you found for me."

"Just so that I can get you off my back."

"Perfect! I can assure you that you will LOVE this two-garage domicile that is just STARVING to meet you."

I was just about to question his choice of words when I was suddenly abruptly cut from the sensation of a long, bony hand wrapping around my forearm, almost dragging me along with him, as he headed towards god knows where.

"He better keeps his word about the hotel..!"




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