Chapter XIX

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"It's been a little slow today," I thought to myself while trying to stay awake, as my eyes traveled around the almost empty gas station. On any other day, this place would be busy, both inside and out; but today was different for some odd reason. Hardly anyone has come today. We got a small number of customers for the general stuff but that's about it. Needless to say, it's been pretty boring so far. That was until another person came in.

"Huh...? Oh... It's that guy from the bus." I couldn't explain why but there was something about this guy that felt very familiar, but not the good kind. Is it odd for me to think like that? I guess I must have been staring at him a bit too long enough for him to notice me.

"Hi," he said with a smile.

"Uh... Hi? How can I help you, sir?"

"You smell very nice! Do you use a specific shampoo?"

"Oh... Uh, I actually didn't shower today. Heh, guess that's kind of embarrassing." I said with a nervous smile. I'm pretty sure that my blushing as well, only faintly. It's not very often that someone would just walk up and start talking to me. And since this is a gas station, I didn't really think that having a shower today; I mean it's not like anyone would care about it.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I wouldn't have been able to tell if that's any consolation."

"Oh, yeah I guess so... Thank you." I really didn't know how I should have taken that; It's clear that he was trying to flatter me but now he's worried that he might have insulted me. Not that I really care about it. And I won't be paid for talking to him!

"What can I do for you? Do you need something?" I asked him again.

"What's your name?"

"Ah, it's y/n. You can see it on my nametag."

"That's a beautiful name. Mine's..... Uh... Well..."

"Is he okay...?" I thought as I was currently confused by the stranger's behavior. He was so happy just a second ago, now he looks all concerned.

"Uh, just call me John Doe. Or...maybe just Doe for short."

"Ok..." Why does that name sound familiar...? And why was he worried about telling me it?

"So, are you doing anything after work?"

"Yeah, I'm probably gonna be busy. I wanted some time to catch up on TV and stuff," I said while being half honest. I really don't have anything planned, I never do feel like going anywhere else after work.


"Are you ok?" I asked John as he had this really displeased expression, but he didn't respond; instead he just quickly walked out.

"Oh... That was kind of weird..."




(Hey! So first off, I'm sorry for not updating anything, I really needed a break😥Also I'm sorry for not updating anything yesterday, my mum wasn't feeling well and I wanted to make sure she was alright. She's still under the weather and that's why this chapter is shorter. I hope you all will understand.) 

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