Chapter 5: Meeting Dimitri

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Alex, (Y/n) and Pooka made their way to the entrance of the Palace which was boarded up. Pooka barked and slipped between the boards.

"Pooka? Pooka? Pooka where are you?!" (Y/n) called.

Alex took a step forward and grabbed the planks and pulled managing to break some of them off.

(Y/n) stared at him and blushed at his strength.

"Pooka!" Alex ran inside leaving (Y/n) behind.

"Alex! Wait up!"


Alex wandered into an old room and noticed Pooka slide underneath a heavily dusted table. He looked at one of the plates and picked it up, blowing the dust and dirt off of it.

He looked at his reflection and saw a flash of a little boy dancing with an older man. Alex shook his head and put it down.

He looked around some more and for some reason he couldn't help but feel like he had been here before.

"This's like a memory from a dream."

Alex: "Dancing bears, painted wings, things I almost remember."

He exits the room and makes his way to the grand ballroom.

Alex: "And a song someone sings, once upon a December."

He wrapped his arms around himself.

Alex: "Someone holds me safe and warm, horses prance through a silver storm."

He removed his giant coat and hat, and dropped them to the floor.

Alex: "Figures dancing gracefully across my memory."

Suddenly, bright, dancing figures seem to burst through the windows and float onto the floor, dancing gracefully. Alex rushes down and dances and spins around with them, bowing to some of them.

Alex: "Someone holds me safe and warm, horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully across my memory."

Three girls surround him and dance with him, but he pauses when he sees a vision of (Y/n) standing there, looking a hundred times more beautiful than he had ever seen her.

Instead of ragged and baggy clothes, she was wearing a beautiful gown and a sparkly tiara on her head. She looked like a princess. Alex's gaze moved lower and noticed a diamond ring on her finger.

He looks at his own clothes and notices that he is wearing his own fancy suit and a crown, but he doesn't pay much attention to that. He was still focused on (Y/n).

She elegantly glides towards Alex and he immediately takes her in his arms and starts dancing with her.

Alex: "Far away, long ago, growing dim as an ember. Things my heart used to know, things it yearns to remember."

Alex and (Y/n) turn to see Czar Nicholas and his family approaching them. Nicholas smiled at Alex and hugged him.

Then he took (Y/n)'s hand and kissed it, looking back at Alex nodding at him, seeming to approve of his choice for a wife.

Alex: And a song someone sings once upon a December.

Alex bowed to the Czar and watched as he backed away. (Y/n) placed a hand on his cheek making him look down at her. He smiled and leaned in to kiss her, and she began to lean up to kiss him back.

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