Chapter 12: Peppermint

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Dimitri stood outside of the theater leaning against a pillar. He regretted lying to Alex and (Y/n), especially (Y/n). He even made her cry. He should've just told her the truth from the beginning.

He turned his head and noticed the Empress coming down the stairs of the theater and walking towards her car. Her driver opened her door and bowed as she entered it.

On the other side, Dimitri hopped into the drivers seat and sped off down the road. He turned a sharp corner and the Empress nearly fell over.

"Ilya, slow down!" She demanded.

Dimitri turned to face her. "I'm not Ilya and I won't slow down. Not until you listen."

The Empress gasped. "You! How dare you. Stop this car immediately. Stop. This. Car!"

Dimitri ignored her demands and continued to speed down the road. He dodged other cars and twisted and turned until he pulled up in front of a house.

He got out of the car and opened the Empress's door. "You have to talk to him." He said firmly.

The Empress turned away from him.

"Just look at him! Please!"

"I won't be badgered by you a moment longer." She declared.

Dimitri pulled out the music box and handed it to her. "Do you recognize this?"

She looked at it, shocked. "Where did you get this?"

"I know you've been hurt. But it's possible he's been just as lost and alone as you." Dimitri said softly.

She looked at him. "You'll stop at nothing will you?"

"I'm probably about as stubborn as you are."


Upstairs, (Y/n) and Alex were sitting on the bed. (Y/n) was resting her head on his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked her.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" She lifted her head off his shoulder to look up at him. "We came all this way for nothing. We wasted so much time following Dimitri, when we could have been looking for your real family."

Alex sighed in agreement. Then he straightened up a bit and cleared his throat.

"You know...maybe this trip wasn't a...complete waste..."

She looked up at him with wide eyes. "It wasn't?"

Alex shook his head. "I may not have found my family, but hopefully I can still get something else that I've wanted for a very long time..."

(Y/n) raised her eyebrow. "Oh?"

Alex paused for a moment and deeply inhaled. "...(Y/n), you've stuck with me my whole life. You've always been there for me, and not once have you ever turned your back or lied to me..."

He took her hands in his.

"You're so smart, and fiery, and kind, and pretty...really, really pretty..."

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