Chapter 6: In the Dark of the Night

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Bartok looked down at the four people and the dog in disbelief.

"Alexander? Yeah, just one problem there fella, Alexander's dead. All the Romanov's are dead. They're dead. Dead dead dead."

Green smoke poured out of the Reliquary and took the form of a demon.

"Am I right my friend? Now how could that be-."

The demon growled at him and Bartok jumped back in fear.

"Oh come on! Am I supposed to believe that thing woke up after all these years just because som guy claims he's a Romanov?"

More demons emerged from the Reliquary.

"Okay, okay I get the message! Enough already with the glowing and the smoke people." He whined.

He glanced back down at Alex.

"If that things come back to life it must mean Alexander's alive. And that's him!"

Suddenly, the Reliquary floated up off the ground with Bartok's foot caught in it's strap. The Reliquary sped off through the air.

It flew through the roof of the Palace and dove down into the water and through the ground, dragging a screaming Bartok with it.

The Reliquary twisted and turned, dodging rocks, which Bartok slammed into, and sped past a lake of lava until it reached a floating island in the Nether World.

They crashed into the ground and Bartok groaned and sat up rubbing his nose in pain.

"Oh boy. Ow! Ow! I tell you."

"Who dares intrude on my solitude?!" A voice barked.

Rasputin came into view and kicked a stone in anger before grabbing Bartok in his hands.

"Get out! Out!" He yelled before realizing who it was. "Bartok? Is that you?"

Bartok was shocked. "Master? You're alive?"

"In a manner of speaking." Rasputin growled, and his eyeball fell out of its socket and into Bartok's hands.

"Woah. That fell right out there sir."

"Something's happened." Rasputin noticed as he put his eye back in. "I knew it. I could feel the dark forces stirring."

"I'm not surprised because I saw him! Alexander!"

"Alexander? Alive?" Rasputin asked, as his mouth seemed to fall down his beard.

"Uh, sir, your lips, they're um..."

"That Romanov brat!" He snarled.

"Wow ... Yeah, ain't that a kick in the head. I guess a curse just ain't what it used to be, huh sir?" Bartok picked up Rasputin's mouth and put it back into place.

"That's why I'm stuck here in limbo! My curse is unfulfilled!" He spread his arms out and his hand popped off.

Rasputin noticed his hand and gasped. "Look at me! I'm falling apart! I'm a wreck!" He cried.

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