Chapter 14: Rasputin's Defeat

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Alexander was still standing behind the red curtain debating whether or not he should go in. He opened the curtain and started to walk through it, but he paused in his tracks and closed it again. He was torn.

Suddenly, he heard barking behind him and turned and saw Pooka running outside.

"Pooka?" He followed the little dog to the gardens. "Pooka?"

He looked out and saw Pooka running into the hedge maze and followed him in, not noticing the entrance close up behind him.

Alexander walked into the center of the maze and jumped when he heard a noise behind him. He noticed that the way he came was blocked off.

A green light glowed onto another path and Alexander heard Pooka's barking and ran towards it.

"Pooka? Here boy!" He called.

He flinched when he heard rustling and saw that his path was closed off again. Alexander heard more barking and turned to see Pooka running towards him.

He knelt down at picked him up. "There you are."

"Alexander." A voice whispered. It sounded like (Y/n).

"(Y/n)?" Alexander looked around, before running off, with Pooka in his arms.

"Alexander." The voice called again.

"(Y/n), is that you? Where are you?" He asked.

Alexander kept running as vines with thorns shot out of the ground and tried to grab at him. He yelled and dodged the vines and ran out of the maze, tripling and falling on a bridge. He stood up and began dusting himself off.


Alexander gasped and saw a tall, thin man bowing to him.

"Your Imperial Highness. Look what ten years has done to us. You, a handsome, strapping young man, and me, a rotting corpse."

"That face." Alexander whispered.

"Last seen at a party like this one." The man continued.

"A curse."

"Followed by a tragic night on the ice." Rasputin lifted his Reliquary. "Remember?!" Magic poured out of the Reliquary covering the bridge and the water below it in ice.

Alexander's eyes widened. "Rasputin!"

"Destroyed by your despicable family! And your little servant friend!" He growled.

He lifted his Reliquary and smoke appeared out of it. "But what goes around, comes around! And around and around!"

Rasputin's minions swarmed Alexander and began tearing his suit. They ripped off his sash and his crown, ripped holes in his jacket and pants.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Alexander yelled once they had stopped.

"I can fix that! You took everything away from me, now I will do the same to you!"

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