Flight Of A Lifetime

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Takiya yawns and turns over to pick up his phone. Excessive clicking of Fafnir's computer mouse greets his morning. The black screen glows hello with the date and time.

8:55pm, Wednesday.



Takiya springs out of his futon.

Though Fafnir has no given general reaction, there was the slightest jolt from Takiya's scream that made him pause his own game.

Takiya stumbles out of his futon and fumbles about the room, gathering his work clothes.

He then dashes out the room, down the hall, and into the bathroom where he frantically tries to pull himself together.

Fafnir swiveled his chair only to watch Takiya run away. Curiously, he gets up and attempts to head out of the bedroom door. He stops at the door frame in time for Takiya to be flying down the hallway already somewhat dressed. Takiya stoops down at the door way to put on his shoes and retrieve his briefcase.

"What's the matter?" Fafnir asks.

"I'm running late!" Takiya pants in the rush of it. He checks his wrist watch.
"I'm... agh—crap! I'm not even sure what the train schedule is around this time.."

The office worker sighs, itching his own head in frustration. "How did I not hear my alarm go off?"

"The one on your phone?" Fafnir inquries.

Takiya comes to a dramatic halt, glancing behind himself.

"Well—Y—Yes." Takiya answers with a puzzled lock.
"Did you hear it go off?"

LYes. I turned it off for you." Fafnir answers.

Takiya can only sigh, at least getting a reasoning of why he's running late.

He then makes a dry chuckle, taking off his glasses to pinch the top of his nose. Takiya looks down at his spectacles momentarily with a nervous bittersweet smile, sensing his own doom. There's no way he can get to work being just 5 minutes late, let alone on time.

"I'm so screwed." He sighs.

"...Would ...you like me to fly you?" Fafnir suggests.

Takiya looks up, his eyes fluttering before meeting Fafnir's emotionless gaze.

A sudden pair of wings burst from Fafnir's back.

"Of course," Takiya stammers in mild disbelief.
"Of course you can fly."


Takiya screams of glee, hugging the purple back of a dragon as the air blasts through his hair at a speedy rage. Somehow though, his glasses are still intact on his face.

"Is everything alright?" He can somehow hear  Fafnir asks.

Takiya yells out. He's been comparing the experience to anime characters who usually experience winds just as fast.

Its terrifying to be at such a height with such speed, peering over the shoulder of a reptilian beast that is thousands of years old.
But all in all, it's exhilarating.

"That's the building over there right?"
Fafnir asks. The dragon tilts in the air, his horns pointing at a tall building. Takiya takes a glimpse of it, but is too cautious to lift his head any further from the scaly back.

He yells out to answer.

"Very well." Fafnir responds. Takiya feels a rush in the wind, gravity pushing him both up and down.


The dragon swiftly swoops down towards the building, cutting through the wind. Fafnir gets his dragon body to hover, slowly descending. The wind of his wings was already causing the building to mildly shake.

Yet before properly landing, he makes sure to transform back.

His body glows brightly, making Takiya shut his eyes and bury his face against Fafnirs back.

Takiya can feel the body he's been holding onto morph from purple scales to the soft tiny exterior of a human being.

Takiya opens his eyes to be met with the back of human Fafnir and his butler outfit.

Only then did he notice how tightly he was hugging the powerful dragon; the closest they've ever been to any sort of physical affection.

Takiya took note of the softness from the contrasting  scales of a dragon.

"...You can let go of me now." Fafnir says.

"Ah, right! Sorry."
Takiya was quick to let go and take a couple steps back. He takes a moment to take off, squeaky clean his glasses before putting them away, and then briefly messing with his winded hair to look more normal.

Takiya glances at his wrist watch.

He beams.
"HAh! I'm only five minutes late! Ahah!"
Takiya announces gleefully, pumping his arm in victory.

Fafnir only prolongs his gaze, but then adverts his eyes away.

"Take it as my apology for turning off you alarm without waking you." The dragon says reluctantly.

"Don't worry about it!"
Takiya laughs off, filled with adrenaline from the fleeting rush of flying. He messes with his own hair that is beyond unkept. Takiya next pauses, his hand on his head, then smirks.

Takiya puts his hand into Fafnir's head instead, ruffling it gently.

"Thank you for giving me a ride though Faf-Kun.
I appreciate it greatly." Takiya chuckles.
"Heh—That was the flight of a lifetime!"

For a moment, Fafnir's eyes widen slightly, a glint of wonder for that smile and why he enjoys seeing it on Takiya. Then they advert away feeling how admittedly awkward it was to be pampered.

Next thing Fafnir knew, Takiya was already at the rooftop door. Takiya waves back at his roommate.
"See you tonight, Faf-kun!"

Fafnir only lifts a still hand as he watches Takiya go. His hand lowers to his side once his roommate was out of sight.

That was the fastest he's probably ever went in his life. His short, short life.

Fafnir then turns his heel around and looks up to the sky. The clouds slowly drift against the saturated blue background. He contemplates on going home.

But Fafnir wanted to see Takiya more.

Perhaps I can study what he and other humans do for income.

Figures that he's merely intrigue of studying the human he's living with, Fafnir turns back around and heads to the rooftop door, readying his perception blocking.

Fafnir opens the door and takes on last glance outside. He finds his finger touching a piece of hair where Takiya's hand was.

"Flight of a lifetime"...

Word Count: 1044

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