Rainy Days

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A bolt of lighting slashes across the gray sky with the following booming of thunder.

As the rain pours onto the sidewalk outside, the lights flicker inside Fafnir's shared apartment.


Fafnir backs away from his monitor for the flickering power, his game only crashing and saving with no progress.

Then, the power goes completely out, leaving all that was once illuminating dead.

Another black out? We had one last week as well.
Typhoons. How annoying.

The dragon turns in his chair to Takiya's desk, which is empty due to him being at work. Fafnirs' eyes are able to adjust within the darkness.

Takiya forgot his umbrella.. Fafnir thinks to himself, seeing Takiya's umbrella leaning against his desk.

He said a power outages usually meant it's raining 'cats and dogs'....... Interesting use of euphemisms.
The umbrella... Should I take it to him?

Another bright bolt of lighting with following thunder answers his question.

Hmmph. Might as well.


Tohru greets Fafnir in surprise as she walks to the front of the office building.

Fafnir stands under a black umbrella, previously staring aimlessly to the abyss before Tohru caught his attention. The dragon maid approaches him with a peachy pink umbrella of her own.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Takiya." Fafnir responds.

"He forgot his umbrella too?" Tohru sighs.
"Humans can be very forgetful when in a hurry, huh?"

"I blame their incompetent minds."
Fafnir replies simply.

Tohru makes a sudden chuckle as she hops besides the red eyed man. Fafnir attempts to stare off again, yet can hear Tohru making small giggles to herself. He sinisterly turns like a stone statue with an annoyed gaze.

"What are you laughing about?" Fafnir asks.

Tohru chuckles again and cutely points her finger up to his umbrella. His lone umbrella.

"Did you plan to share your umbrella too?
Unless you forgot as well, Fafnir."
She asks in a teasing manner.

Fafnir's demonized look disappears as he glances up at his umbrella, then down towards his arms. He was a bit shocked yet still held a stoic expression, realizing he truly forgot his own umbrella. Tohru—purposely—had one lone umbrella as well.

"I didn't know you two were as close as
Kobayashi and I!" Tohru happily hums, playfully marching in place, her brown shoes splashing in a thinly made puddle of rain water.

"Don't be ridiculous." Fafnir huffs in response, looking out towards the sidewalk of passerby's.
"What's so special about sharing a tool with another person?"

Tohru chuckles. "It's a like partnership; You get to see them smile."

Fafnir huffs.

It wasn't on purpose, and certainly not what you think. Fafnir thinks towards Tohru. I'm nothing like you: obsessed with a lone, inferior human.
I'm merely accompanying him.
Nothing more.

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