Chapter 6

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    One day, Tails was flying through the sky in the Tornado, happily doing random tricks in the air. He figured that today would be a perfect day for flying; the sky was clear of any clouds, and the weather report had said that there wouldn't be any storms. At this point, Tails had become an excellent pilot, so much so that Sonic had decided to let Tails have the Tornado as his very own. Tails had been very excited at this, and the first day in the workshop, he gave his new plane a new coat of bright, yellow paint. It really suited him perfectly. As he flew through the air, the wind whistling by, suddenly the sky grew dark with clouds. And not just any clouds; those were storm clouds. Tails was immediately nervous. You see, he wasn't exactly a big fan of storms, especially when it came to thunder and lightning. Tails suffered from astraphobia (a fear of thunder and lightning) his whole life and had a most sever case of it.

    Deciding to land and find shelter as soon as possible, Tails was startled by a flash of lightning, followed by a loud sound of thunder. Scared out of his mind, he nonetheless fought for control as the wind increased. Rain plummeted down on him like hailstones. Lightning flashed in every direction, Tails trying to avoid the strikes. Finally, he saw Bygone Island in the distance. Relief washed over him as he desperately continued on his way, despite his rapidly increasing fear. Then, there was trouble- just as soon as he got past the halfway mark, a lightning bolt struck the plane, getting one of the wings and searing it clean off. Panicked, Tails fought for control as it spun faster to the right. As if that weren't bad enough, another bolt of lightning struck the engine and killed it, black smoke pouring from it. Then, the plane began to go into a dangerous nosedive towards the ocean. Scared for life, Tails desperately tried to eject from the plane, but the lever was jammed, and when he pulled on it too hard, it broke with a loud *CRACK!* sound. Now left with no other option, he grabbed the steering yoke and pulled back hard, trying to get it back airborne to no avail. His mussels strained as he pulled harder and harder until it felt like his arms would get ripped off. His screams of fright filled the air; he'd never felt so scared in his life.

    Meanwhile, at Sonic's place, Sonic and Knuckles were in a friendly competition over who got the most wins on a videogame they spent the day playing (these two were always competitive towards each other, but in a friendly way) when Sonic happened to take a look outside and saw the change in the weather. Knuckles saw it to. "I hope Tails is okay out there," he said. "And you'd better hope he isn't flying around in that kind of weather in that plane of his."

    "He wouldn't do that," said Sonic. "He's not dumb. I'm sure he's on his way back right now."

    He headed into the kitchen, about to make himself a chillidog for a snack when he heard Knuckles say, "Sonic! Look outside! Quick!" He sounded alarmed.

    Confused, Sonic headed back into the living room, where Knuckles was looking out the window with a pair of binoculars. Taking them, Sonic took a look through them- and saw the plane falling towards the ocean with a frightened fox inside trying to regain control. Sonic's eyes widened. "TAILS!!!" he exclaimed as he ran outside and sped off.

    Now normally, Sonic never really went outside during rainy weather or stayed away from a large body of water entirely. That was because he had aquaphobia, aka a fear of water. But he didn't care about his fear. His little brother's safety was his #1 concern. He knew that it was hopeless given the current situation, but he had to try. He was running right in the falling plane's direction when Knuckles called out to him. Looking back, Sonic saw the Enchida running behind him with something in his hand and tossing it to him. That "it" being 7 emeralds- Chaos emeralds to be exact. Good thing he still had them after all those years; Eggman never really hunted for them anymore nowadays because he mostly enjoyed setting robots around town just for the heck of it. Sonic felt relief wash over him as he caught the emeralds and let their power wash over him. In no time at all, his fur turned a yellow-gold color and his eyes became red-orange. He had transformed into Super Sonic, a form that he turned into at much-needed times. This was no doubt one of these times. Immediately afterwards, he took off for his target.

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