02 | the emily gilmore

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"dragonfly inn. lorelai speaking." lorelai hummed, making herself a cup of coffee from the desk she was working in. michel pinched his nose in disgust while she just rolled her eyes and shooed him away. he did as he was told, running around the corner and closing the door shut when he made it to sookie's kitchen.

"oh, luke!" she said, dropping the coffee pot and smiled excitedly. "wait, hold on, i know you were the one who called but i actually need to ask you something. anyway, rory has a thing at chilton and it would be kind of weird to go alone so i was wondering if you could come with me if it's not such a big deal for you." lorelai stirred the dark coffee with the little thin straw things she didn't know the name for and licked it.

"wait, you're coming over here...because what?! darn, your mother? i'm sorry, didn't she die? oh, now hold on, your grandmother? am i hearing that correctly? she isn't like a hundred like mine? no? okay, geez. alright, fine. do i need to dress up? ugh, fine. bye." she huffed while she hung up the phone, crossed her arms together and tapped her foot on the floor.

she ran her hands through her hair and stomped over to sookie's kitchen to find michel tasting one of her dishes with his bare tongue only.

"ugh, michel! gross!" lorelai snapped, slapping michel in the head like a dog. he was so orderly all the time it was weird he was doing something so disgusting even for her.

"good. i annoyed you." he smirked, but then he grabbed paper towels and wiped them aggressively on his mouth. lorelai stared at him, taking the dish and throwing it in the trash. he walked out of the kitchen and over to who knows where.

"sookie, honey, you gotta help me. guess what luke just told me." she sat down in one of the chairs. there was a bowl of chocolate right in front of her so she picked up a piece and popped it into her mouth.

sookie came up to her with a plate full of lorelai's favorite apple tarts with a smile on her face. she perked her head up from the bowl of chocolate and gasped enthusiastically.

"he told you he wanted to get married to you." sookie said, offering her the plate so she could take one to make her feel better. she thought that had to be what he said. lorelai was always afraid of big steps and commitment. she always has and always will be.

lorelai grabbed a hot apple tart and blew on it quickly, switching it over to her other hand once the old one couldn't take the heat.

"that would've been much better, actually! try again." she replied with a stern look on her face.

she took a bite of the tart, chewing it quickly and trying to blow air into her mouth, the heat too much for her tongue to handle. once it reached her tastebuds and once she was actually able to get a good taste of it, she made a weird noise.

"gah!" lorelai screamed, grabbing a paper towel and spitting the apple tart into it. she wiped her mouth too, then clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth a couple times before she spoke another word.

"are you pregnant again?!" she shoved the plate of tarts away from her and shook her head side to side. sookie's eyes went wide, smelling the tarts herself.

"it tastes good to me!" she protested, taking a bite and swallowing it whole. "did you get a bad one? here, try another."

she put the plate back into lorelai's face but she turned her head trying to resist it. sookie put the plate on the counter and looked down to the ground with a downcast expression. lorelai sighed and put a hand on her shoulder.

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