03 | it's you, not me

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"can you guys keep it below PG-13 over there?" rory covered her ears and dropped her pencil to the table once she heard luke and lorelai basically eating their faces off. "i'm trying to study!"

it was the next day, early in the morning. rory was doing some last minute studying while eating breakfast at their table while she had to hear her mother's kind of flirtatious conversation with luke. he stayed overnight once lorelai pleaded that their time at the amusement park was not enough time together.

"sorry, babe, your mama's got needs!" lorelai yelled from the other room. rory grunted, slamming her binder closed and shoving all her opened papers into her assigned folders. she put it inside her orangeish yellowish backpack, zipping it up nice and neatly before putting it over her shoulders. she made sure everything was inside except for the book in her hand. there was always a book in her hand.

"i'm walking over to my stop early. i hope you two enjoy yourselves." she bantered, waving her hand so they could see. her mom and luke both gave a wave before they went right back to what they were doing. rory shook her head slowly from side to side and walked out the door in a jiffy.

"i don't think i've ever been this horny in my life. today i'm no better than a man." lorelai collapsed onto the couch with her knees to her chest and set her head onto luke's shoulder. he snorted at her statement.

"when are you ever better than a man?" he daringly asked her, obviously as a joke. they would joke with each other a lot. lorelai was a natural joker and luke was just luke. it wouldn't feel right if they weren't themselves around each other.

"i'm sorry, do i see you pushing out ten pound babies from your 'you know what'? i don't think so. you lose, man!" lorelai pecked at his scruffy beard he hadn't shaved and smiled. she could smell his familiar scent that always took her home no matter where they were or what they were doing. he just made her so happy. they made each other so happy.

"you start talking to me when you can stop doing girl push ups and get off your damn knees." he gave her a kiss on her soft cheek and hugged her body that felt so much smaller to him. as tall as she was, she always felt small under his strong and protective body.

"okay, sore loser. just accept your fate and leave me and girl push ups alone! we have a bond closer than you'll ever have with anyone." she grabbed his hand and brought it up to hers, as if she was comparing sizes. she intertwined his with hers, and nuzzled her cheek against the soft fabric that was his plaid shirt. they lived for the small moments like these ones.

he brought her head closer to his face so he could feel her soft dark hair.

"what time do you have to be at the inn?" luke asked. he was planning to get to the diner a little later since he already stayed with lorelai the entire night. there would be no point in leaving without spending some time with her in the morning.

she turned her head over to see the time on one of the clocks on the wall.

"uhh, i can get there a little later today. there's nothing exciting going on and michel's been given a raise so if he's not on his best behavior then i don't know when he'll start." lorelai wanted to spend quality time with luke, too. they never really said it because they both thought it would be a little too cheesy for their liking, but it was true. they liked it when they were with each other. they wanted to spend every waking second with each other.

"i think sookie might be pregnant." she blurted out, because it was the first thing that was on her mind. she turned her head over to him and he did the same.

"yeah?" he replied. he wasn't really surprised. from what he could tell, sookie was extremely fertile or jackson always wanted to have sex with her twenty four seven. it could easily be both.

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