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I wanted to leave. I did. But there was something in his eyes that begged me to stay. That latched to the deepest part of my heart and tugged at me. Perhaps I made a mistake. But isn't that love?Making decisions that hurt you but help the ones you care about. So, I guess I became the villain in my own story and the hero of another's.

I hurt my own to save theirs, but no one saved me.

And that is the plight for those who love too hard, they will never be loved the same. And yet, I'd do it again.

None of them know the extent of the hurt they caused. And I sometimes wish that I can hurt them back but I know, given the opportunity, I still wouldn't. For as long as I remember, my soul has yearned for something I cannot name. A place? A person? A feeling? I know not. All I know is that it is something unlike this world, unlike it's disappointment.

I know it is something that ignites a passion and a longing in my heart that I ache to feel. That no person has ever given me.

All those I have loved, have told me the same thing: "I've never met anyone quite like you." with an ethereal gleam in their eye, and it was always in those moments that I wished I had someone who sparked such a reaction within me, that I did in them.

Always dreaming of something more. A thirst I can never quench, a hunger I can never suffice. And it manifests itself in a plethora of ways. In the way I devour knowledge. In the way, life's secrets consume me, temporarily filling a void for a moment, then leaving it bigger than before. Leaving me to wonder, to ponder a constant thought, unanswered and incessant,

Will I ever be satisfied?

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