No one Hides from the Moon

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Swirls of burnt orange spilled over the sky, drowning the blue. Rose Hill wasn't too far, it was a safe enough choice. Not far from the nursing home and a low crime area meant that with his covered identity, Dimitri wouldn't be found. 

That was until my stubborn mind fixated on him and besides-

Nothing is ever fully concealed

I inhale deeply. Relief mingles with victory, cleansing me of the evil that had burdened us for far too long. A content smile shines bravely on my face as I scavenge through my bag in search of my phone. 

In it's place I find a note that reads, "7:00. The secret spot atop the hill. Don't think that I've forgotten." 

My grin grows larger, paining my cheeks.

My birthday. 

It all seemed so trivial after the year we've had. It completely flew out of my mind-

My eyes widen as I realise the damning mistake I've made. 

I turn on my phone to be greeted by 35 missed phone calls from my mother. Cursing myself, I immediately call her back. 

I never realised how ominous the rings of a phone were until this moment where I await her wrath.

She answers. 


"Mother, I-"

"There had better be a very good reason for this, Eleanor." She expressed all too calmly. 

She never called me Eleanor.

"I know, I know. You have every right to be angry. I'm so sorry." I apologize, eyes closed in preparation for a scolding. "But I have great news. We did it! They're locked up, Mama!" 

I hear her sigh gratefully, "I'll yell at you later, right now I'm just happy you're alright. For god's sake, Eleanor! How do you expect me to be calm when crime plagues your city and you don't answer the phone?" She stresses. "This is why I told your father I didn't want you going to that stupid school! It's too far and you're alone. But no, "It's prestigious.", "The opportunities!" I wanted to-" She mocked my father. 

"Mother," I say. "I met a boy." 

Silence again, but this time it was the silence that comforted your mind with possibilities.

"Finally." She said at last as though throwing her arms up, pumping her fist in victory.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask, slightly offended. 

"Darling," she begins to laugh. "I was convinced you'd die an old maid." A string of deep laughter deafens me through the speaker. 

I was gutted, truly. "My own mother." I say slowly, dramatically. 

"Oh stop!" She chuckles lightly, sniffling away. "So, what's his name?"

I bite the inside of my lip. "His name is Silas." I felt a wave of heat wash over my cheeks.

She scoffed. "Get a grip of yourself woman! I can practically feel you drooling!" 

"I've only just said his name!" I gasp.

"I'm just messing with you, sweetheart. Tell me about him." She asks in that warm voice, such stark contrast to the coldness of my father. 

"Well-" I begin before the clashing of doors being slammed and a stampede of officers stomping in sounds. 

"I have to go." Without a reply, I end the call, arising quickly.

I stand, paralysed. There they were, cuffed and without a sliver of remorse on their faces. Sonders and Hart stand on either side of them. 

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