Chapter Forty-One

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Smoke stung my nostrils as I summoned fire to my palms, running deeper into the battle. I didn't recognise any of the faces, and the expected scent of pine and snow was nowhere to be found. In fact, nothing clued to these being Southern Wolves at all. They all had this cloying scent -- like honey and mildew -- that not even my smoke could smother. 

"This isn't the Southerners, is it?" I yelled, striking a wolf when a fire-enveloped fist. He went down with a yelp. 

"No, it's not," Faelen called back, ozone charging the air before a crack sounded a moment later, followed by a gurgling sound. I didn't bother to check where he was -- I knew he was behind me. "In fact, I don't think this attack has anything to do with the South at all."

I grunted my acknowledgement as a red-headed boy charged for me, his face alight with determination. My fireball struck him down before he could get within five yards of me. Another sprung out after him. Then another. Apparently, the enemy was starting to become aware of us now, as our own wolves went down or fought their way out to safety. I noticed with growing desperation that the Northern Thetas were dwindling in number, disappearing like shells under a wave. I summoned more fire to my palms. 

"Then who is it--"

"Get the Epsilon!"

I whirled just in time to receive a heavy hit to the face. My flames guttered as I staggered back into oncoming enemy, the world tilting below my feet. I watched as Faelen strode forward and gripped the head of a dark-haired man -- who I presumed must have hit me -- and twisted the man's neck. A sickening snap sounded, and Faelen's eyes burned as he watched the body fall limp to the floor. 

Faelen looked up, that fire extinguishing as he stared past me, and in a movement so quick it gave me whiplash, he lunged forward and pulled me into his chest. A gasp ripped from me as he braced one arm around my back and stuck the other out behind me. Electricity jolted through us both before exploding from his hand a moment later. I looked back just in time to see a man topple to the ground, silver dagger clattering down beside him. With a chill, I realised that blade was probably intended for my heart, and Faelen had just saved me from stumbling into it. 

My stomach sank. Yes, this certainly wasn't the South, because Azriel wouldn't order his underlings to kill me. 

Faelen muttered a curse before whirling me around, his grip hard on my arms. His eyes scanned my face with worry, searching for any injuries, and once he was satisfied I was okay, he released me. His hand lingered on my arm for a moment longer.

"Try not to walk into the enemy's knives, Kyra," Faelen said, pulling away to shoot a bolt in the direction of another wolf. 

I turned around, and a few moments later, I felt his back again mine. With a grin, I summoned more flames to my hands. "Good thing I have you to guard my back."

I could sense his smile as we went on the offensive, fighting back-to-back as the enemy's assault continued. As I continued to burn through my enemies whilst he electrocuted his, it almost felt like us against the world. As though nothing could go wrong. As though, so long as I had Faelen to fight by my side, we could take on anything. 

And it almost came true. We fought like lions, and before long the smell of charred flesh and ozone filled the room. Bodies of the enemy piled around us, and for a moment, I was convinced we would win. 

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