Chapter Sixty-Four

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(A/N) double update ^_^

It didn't feel real. It felt like I was floating several meters above my body, viewing the scene as a mere observer. The wolf, so merciless and violent in its attack, now frozen with shock. The blue-eyed girl, crying and screaming, cursing every god imaginable as she held her lover. And the dead girl -- a friend -- who had just been brutalised by the wolf. By me.

It was me. My jaws had been the ones around her throat. It was her blood I could taste in my mouth, thick like honey between my teeth.

It was me. I'd killed her.

I trembled -- trembled so violently that my body hurt. I couldn't even hear my own heartbeat. All I could hear was the deafening roar in my ears, the distant ring of a scream inside my head. Nothing else existed. Nothing but my fury. My despair. My bottomless rage.

The final shred of my humanity -- burning up like paper in the air, falling away on the wind.

"Wow!" a voice jeered, bringing me sharply back to my senses. Slowly, I turned, my eyes falling on the one man I hated the most. The man who had forced me to do this.

A shit-eating grin layered his face.

"What a spectacle that was. I haven't seen something so gory in years. It almost half makes up for Yuki's death!"

The man grinned, pleased with himself. A snarl ripped from my throat -- a sound totally animal. I couldn't remember my morals. In that moment, I couldn't even remember my own name. My memories were locked behind iron bars, inaccessible. The person I once was was gone.

I was born for one purpose, and one purpose only -- to kill. To kill him.

He continued to glee and gloat, so certain of the control he had over me -- blissfully unaware of the danger that stood before him.

In my head, I could feel that dark control wrapped around my mind like claws. So, I did the only thing I could do, something I'd never done before.

I didn't want to remember anymore. I wanted to forget. I wanted to surrender to the bottomless rage in my heart, the one that ate me alive. So, I surrendered myself. I gave in wholly to the fire burning in my heart; ready to consume me whole.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, a scream of pure, animalistic rage escaped me as I let my magic go. The flames consumed my body whole, lighting me up in a great blaze that seared everything within twenty yards of me. The grip on my mind faltered, and I charged towards the man without inhibition.

His eyes widened in shock and confusion, and I could feel him desperately grasping back for the control he once had. I could understand his confusion. This bond he had over me was supposed to be flawless -- impenetrable once he had his grasp on me. Only, he couldn't hold on anymore. My magic, when burning with such insurmountable rage, was simply too strong. It burned away everything within me, including the thing that made up my very psyche. My humanity. As it burned away, there was nothing left to hold on to, to control. And though the bond managed to hide in the darkest parts of my mind as my magic burned, conserving itself, he had to let go for now.

This amount of magic would probably kill me, I knew. I hadn't been able to summon it in time to save the girl, nor any other time I'd needed it. But now, with all this rage writhing in my heart, it was an endless pool. And in that moment, I had no bigger desire than for him to burn.

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