Chapter Sixty [18+]

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(A/N): CONTENT WARNING -- this chapter contains some LGBTQ+ explicit content :P 

I personally don't like giving this warning as I am an LGBTQ+ ally and I understand warnings such as these can come across as discriminatory. However, I respect the fact that some people are uncomfortable with LGBTQ themes + explicit content due to religious/cultural reasons and would prefer not to read this chapter -- and that is okay! Remember that Wattpad has a diverse readership, and every background deserves to be respected (:



"Psst... Azure!"

I roused from sleep with a groan, my eyes sealed shut. It's far too early for this, I thought to myself. Far too early. Just five more minutes...

"Azure!" the voice came again, this time accompanied by a shake of my shoulder. I jolted upright in an instant, staring around my room to find it mostly dark. As my Werewolf vision adjusted to the darkness, I had a moment of confusion -- who would wake me at this hour?

I turned to find my answer standing at my right. Raina flashed me a wide smile, her golden hair frizzy from sleep. Surprisingly, she was dressed in day clothes -- clad in leather pants and a loose-fitting white shirt. I tried not to stare too long at her exposed collarbones -- and failed.

"Raina," I groaned, falling back into my pillows. "Whatever you have in mind, it's far too early in the morning for it."

"Just trust me, Azure. You need to see this. It only happens once a month. Come on," she added, tugging on my arm like an insistent puppy asking for food. Sighing, I slung my legs over the bed and sat up. Raina's green eyes did a once-over my body before meeting mine again, a wry smile taking over her lips. "I was going to tell you to get changed into day clothes... but it seems you already have that covered."

"Indeed," I said, standing to my feet with a grunt. God, one would think me an old woman with the way my bones creaked. "The pyjamas they provide here are too silky for my liking. I used to like all that rich, luxurious shit but... eh. The practical stuff has grown on me."

Raina giggled. "I can't tell you I feel the same. Anyways, let's go," Raina added, offering her hand and I took it without question. Our fingers intertwined in an instant, making my heart leap. Without a word, we both headed for the door and began our long walk down the halls of the Northern Court. 

Aside from the odd Theta, nobody saw us pass, which was a relief for me. I wasn't unused to the odd looks that were sent my way whenever I was seen with another girl. It was why I'd always hidden my girlfriends in the past... but now I could care less what they thought. Let them think what they wanted -- in the end, I was happy, and I had a super cute girlfriend at my side. Hah, they could only dream!

Though, I wasn't sure Raina would feel the same. And with how much she concerned herself with the opinions of others, I wouldn't have been surprised if she let it get to her.

We'll need to work on that, I thought to myself.

We walked on in silence until we reached in giant doors that lead to the castle grounds. I shivered when we stepped outside, the chilly breeze and icy lick of grass hard to ignore. We continued on towards the direction of the forest. When I realised we were entering a part of the forest I hadn't explored before, I started slamming her with a barrage of questions. She only told me that I'd know soon enough, and after realising I wasn't going to get any information out of her, I quickly gave up.

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