Chapter Forty-Nine

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I remained standing for a few more moments, watching Azure's stiff form as she pushed past the crowd and out the door. I could feel a few curious eyes on me -- perhaps wondering if I would pursue my distraught friend -- but for once, I just sat back down and drove my spoon into my porridge. Azure could sort out her own shit and, knowing her, she wouldn't accept my help anyway. 

I could feel a particular pair of eyes on me in the din, and I looked up beneath lowered brows to find Faelen sitting at the front of the room, his gaze locked on mine. Something desperate seemed to shift in his expression as we locked eyes, and I could see his mouth in the process of forming silent words before I looked away. Whatever he had to say, I didn't want to hear it. Not when his insults still stung like fresh wounds. 

I stared bitterly down at my porridge. Given everything I'd been through, a few playground insults about my looks shouldn't have had much impact. And yet... they had, all because they'd come from his mouth. Because he was one of the few people I'd opened up to since Azriel's betrayal, one of the only ones I'd really started to trust, and he'd just gone ahead and shattered it like it was nothing.

My eyes stung. I take a spoonful of my porridge. It tastes like cardboard in my mouth.

Just then, a Gamma rushed into the room, and I watched as he approached the head table, bowed, then whispered something into Alpha Osyn's ear. The Alpha's beady eyes widened before he turned to his wife and muttered something, standing a moment later. Luna Darla stood as well, along with several others at the table -- including Faelen -- their expressions somewhat alarmed. All of them except Luna Darla turned to leave -- drawing a lot of curiosity from those in the Dining Hall -- as the Luna herself started making her way down the rows of tables. Her ice-blue eyes were solemn, and when I realised she was approaching me, I steadily rose to my feet.

Once within earshot, she whispered, "War Room, Kyra. I'm afraid there's been a development."

I swallowed thickly, nodding as I followed Luna Darla out of the room. Many eyes were on us now, but I chose to ignore them, my mind whirring with the possibilities. Had something happened? Was it to do with Azriel? Were Alia and Zion okay?

The latter made my stomach twist, but I buried my apprehension as best as I could and schooled my features into neutrality. I couldn't start panicking now, not when I didn't even know what this was about. 

Me and the Luna walked in silence, all the way out the dining hall and into the white-tiled lobby. We made it to the carved wooden double doors of the War Room, and I shot her an uncertain look as we pushed them open. 

The distress was immediately apparent. Alpha Osyn was pacing around the war table, yelling at his Gammas and pulling his hair all the while. When the door banged shut behind us, his black eyes whipped towards me. I could also sense Faelen looking at me, but I chose to ignore it, instead striding up to the Alpha. "What's the problem?"

Alpha Osyn growled, but I could tell it was not directed at me. "Those goddamn Southerners. They've breached some of our outposts. They've killed off a good ten percent of our population right under our damn noses!" He yelled, bashing his fist down on the table so hard the wood splintered. He whipped back to me, his face red with rage and despair. "Women. Children. You name it -- they killed them."

"Who?" I asked, my heart sinking, but I was afraid I already knew the answer. 

"South's Upsilons," Osyn hissed, and this time, the malice was directed at me. My gut twisted with horror, but I said nothing as Alpha Osyn whipped back to the rest of the gathered, all of their eyes locked on me. I think Luna Darla and Faelen were the only ones not giving me accusing looks at that moment. 

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