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Emma gets into the back of the van with the rest of the Hydra agents. She gets checked over for new injuries, which surprises her. "Why all the sudden care and attention aye?" She chuckles, trying to make it sound like a joke. "You're finally doing what is asked of you. The more you do the more care u receive." She nods. More work, more food. Hours pass, then the van stops. Emma hops out the back to see a small house. "I'm guessing there's a secret door or something?" She says when the group enters a small room inside the building. One of the agents flip a fake piece of wall up and presses a bright red button. The room starts to drop, like an elevator. They head straight down for a moment. When one of the agents open the door again they are in some sort of high tech underground base.

"How long has it been". Stark mumbles. Steve and Natasha have gone to find Wanda and Vision. The pair went to a city down south for a few weeks. "Long enough. With the speed they are capable of travelling at they should be here soon. Moments pass before they return. " 'Bout time!" Stark yells as they enter the avengers campus. They walk to a meeting room and sit. Fury enters moments later with a file in his hand. He walks towards Wanda, opening the file and flicking through it. He stops and shows the page to her. "Do you know her? Her records show that she was in Sokovia while you were there." He asks, his tone not as demanding from when he questioned Claws. "Barely. Big fus the day she arrived. All about the girl with the deadly powers. The one who was going to kill 'them'". She pauses. "The 'them' is the avengers F.Y.I." she adds to clear things up. "Think you could help us capture her. She got away from us then almost blew us to smithereens." He doesn't sound impressed. "Sure. It will be very difficult. Hydra made sure she was untraceable. She was 'The Weapon'. She must have went back to a base or somewhere where agents are located." She sighs. "She siad something to me before she stabbed me with my own arrow." Clint states. "Something about never having anyone to portect her? What if we were able to manipulate her into thinking we could protect her from whatever hydras experiments are. Based of the files she's been through a lot of testing. Most of that has to be painful." "Anything to do with being at hydra is painful. Her brainwashing, everything. It could work, but she doesn't look like the one to be easily manipulated." Natasha adds. The room falls silent. "Well that's one plan. At least we have something. Now we need more ideas."

Emma sits in a chair in a small dark room. Agent Yates enters, and sits across from her. "Tell me exactly what you did after we told you to proceed with caution. I mean everything." Emma knows why agent Yates was sent here. He's the only agent that she actually likes, since he brought her on walks when she was younger. " Basically I walked to a gas station, bought a packet of matches, walked back to the base, and blew it sky high!" She smiles, clearly proud of herself. "And how did u blow it sky high?" He asks. "I dropped some lit matches into a gas tank at the front of their little base." Her smile is glued to her face. "Did u get burnt in anyway?" He asks concerned. "No, sure I dropped them and ran. The fire was too slow if it wanted to catch up with me." she giggles. Emma has a childlike sence of humor. She blames it on missing out as a kid, but it could just be her nature. Everything is about competition and winning to her, so Agent Yates makes everything a game to convince her to do stuff. Yates stands up and smiles. "First one to the cafeteria gets a double chocolate muffin!" He yells as he turns and leaves the room. "You got a head start! That's not fair!" She screams as she leaps up and follows him down the corridor.

The avengers still haven't thought of another plan. Bruce left the room when Clint put forth his idea. Nobody knows where he went. "If we could just figure out where she is. Then we could just march in there like the first time." Steve says with a determined look on his face. Bruce enters the room, and everyone's eyes are on him. He's carrying a laptop, and he places it on the table. "I found her. I had placed a microscopic tracker behind her ear when I was flushing her system." He shows the laptop to Nick Fury, whos sitting at the top of the table. "Suit up. Just charge in there and take her. Thier defence will most likely be stronger than last time. When everyone is leaving the room Fury adds to his previous statement. "Oh, and don't leave Barton alone with her. I don't think she particularly likes him."

claws (Avengers Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora