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Bruce watched as an endless stream of blood flows through the tube connected to Emma's leg. Not that long ago she had attacked Clint. "What are we aiming to achieve here exactly?" Nat questions she hovers over the wolf. "Look, I think there may have been something put in her bloodstream that's causing her to react. By removing as much blood from her as possible without killing her, she should be ok," Bruce explains. "How's  Clint?". "He's awake but in pain. That's the basic way of putting it. He's going to be out of action for a while." Bruce mutters. The monitor beside the surgical bed starts beeping, and Bruce starts rushing around. "Her O2 levels are dropping." He mutters as he places an oxygen mask over the wolf's muzzle."we need to find some way of getting her to shift while she's out. This mess of fur is too hard to work with," he sighs. Nat runs a hand over the wolf's silky fur. She could see the golden tints based on how the light reflected off the silky hairs. She watches as the wolf's stomach rises and falls consistently. She smiles softly before taking a step back. "Did I mention Tony's pissed about his suit?" Nat chuckles. "Says he will end her the second she's awake. All over his precious suit he can replace". Nat smiles at the thought of it. "He's overreacting. He should be grateful he's alive. One more minute and she'd of had him teared to strip's of bacon". Bruce says with a stubborn expression. He let's out a deep sigh. "What's going to happen if this doesn't work?" He asks quietly. "Will Fury kill her or keep working  with her?" He asks himself. Nat watches him closely. "It's going to work Bruce. You are too smart for it to not work. Without you she won't have a chance. You saw her in that corridor." she points at the motionless pup on the table. "They are certainly not the same person. Give the kid in the corridor a chance."

Emma struggles to adjust to the lighting as she opens her eyes. She rubs her eyes violently before looking around. The walls, floor,desk, and even the chair she is sitting in are all white. It hurts her eyes to look at everything. She hears the sound of a door open and close. She looks up, still squinting, to see a blonde man sitting opposite her. She looks him up and down, trying to figure out who he is. Emma jumps as He clears his throat. That's when She realises they don't have her shackled to the chair. She looks down to her hands to see them laying perfectly in her lap. Astonished, she looks to face the man. "My name is Steve Rogers" he begins. "How do you feel?" He asks her. When she doesn't respond he let's out a deep sigh. "Look kid. I'm Tryna be nice here. If your not going to cooperate, we can do this the hard way." "Shit. I feel like shit." She mumbles, her eyes fixed to the ground. "Anyway you could, you know, dim the God damn lights? Then maybe we can start".

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