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"You are such a dick," Tony yelled down the hallway as Steve walked away from him. The pair were arguing over CLAWS' release. Steve wanted her out, while Tony wanted her kept in a cell. "You realise that letting her out will make things easier. She is talking and eating now, she isn't acting like the fucking psycho she was." Natasha whispered to Tony as the pair walked swiftly away from where the heated argument had taken place. They entered a small room, one of its wall was completely glass. The pair stood by the glass pane and watched what was happening below. Clint sat on the floor outside Emma's cell. The pair were talking as if they had known each other for decades. Emma was smiling. Her smile lit up the whole room. Her pale blue eyes gleamed with happiness. Nat smiled softly at the sight.

"No bloody way" Clint exclaimed as Emma was telling him a story. "Yes way" she chuckled. "It was just him and I against 20 grown ass men. Yet we whooped thier asses". There was silence for a few seconds. "We once fought off a whole God and shit in New York." Clint sighed from the outside of the glass. "A God? Are you taking the piss?" Emma laughed at the thought. "Was Jesus Christ himself trying to take New York or what". Clint couldn't help but laugh at Emma's smart remark. "No silly, an asgardian God. Loki." Emma looked at Clint carefully. "I've heard of him,now that I think about it. Isn't he Thor's brother?" Clint nodded. The room fell silent for a while. "That day, when I tried to take your arm with me. I'm um, sorry bout that." Clint smiled softly at the girl opposite him. "That time I shot you even after you saved my children's lives. I'm sorry bout that one." Emma smiles slightly at Clints small yet meaningful apology. "Something inside me broke that day." Emma stated, catching Clints instant attention. "I carried them home, and they were so,so,so happy to see you. Thier hero. Thier father. I remember watching them run to you, screaming your name. All I could think was that i missed out on this. Greeting your father home. I didn't even get to meet my father. I wasn't alive long enough to remember my mother before whatever happened happened. It was like a wave of instant loss and a wanting to belong and be loved hit me." Emma glanced down at her feet. Clint just smiled gently. "If there wasn't a fat pane of glass here I'd give you a big hug right now." Emma giggled softly at his words. "One day,hopefully. Hopefully I won't be kept behind glass forever."

So I may have forgotten to publish this, so sosososossoossososoososososososo sorry for the wait. I litch can't believe this book has like over 7k views. I litch started this in my Irish class in first year bru 😭
As always tysm ml <3

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