chapter 21

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Keeping the football tucked closely under his armpit, Harry cut left outside the parking lot of the school. Normally one might give in to the desire of heading strictly towards the blocks of townhouses, where the streetlights would light up the pavement. Harry wasn’t scared of the dark, but he wasn’t fond of it, either. However, if one was willing to surrender the comfort of the light, there was a small walking path between the blocks that would lead to Harry’s block. If he ran that way, he’d simply need to cut from the path and back to the main streets a block or so before hitting the road that would eventually lead to Louis’ house. Harry didn’t usually walk that way, since it tended to get muddy when it rained, but he was more than willing to make that sacrifice this time. Moreover, he knew the prize of winning wasn’t only getting to be close to Louis again, but it would allow him a win. He was tired of always losing.

Harry ran fast. He figured the run would take about nine minutes at a normal jogging pace, but tonight, it took him six to hit the spot in the dark where he could turn back onto the open street. As he rounded the corner, he almost held his breath hoping he would see Louis on the pavement in front of him. He felt a blow of disappointment at first, noting an entirely empty street, but he kept going, pushing himself harder. It was about twenty seconds later that he caught glimpse of something blue bopping along somewhere down the pavement — Louis’ beanie. Harry pressed forward, urgently. If he caught up with him before the intersection, he’d win. Louis hadn’t even noticed him yet, seemingly not even hurried as he ran at an even, practiced pace.

It took another few moments, but then Louis turned his head. Harry was about thirty yards behind him, and Louis appeared to almost stumble as he made the realisation. Louis went into sprint mode, but Harry was already in it, full of momentum. His heart was thrumming heavily against his chest, and his breathing was getting rougher and rougher, but he continued to press, and to his thrill seemed to be getting closer and closer. Louis turned back once more as they ran, and Harry wanted to laugh; Louis’ eyes were full of panic, and his hair stood out on the sides under the beanie, like he’d been repeatedly running his warm hands through it to comb away sweat. Harry used the moment close more of the space between them.

“Stop!” yelled Louis, clearly frightened of losing.

“Are you scared?” he called back, making further progress. He was only a couple of yards behind. They both kept their eyes on the spot where the street would split in two. Not far off now. Harry forced his legs to keep at it, eyes moving to Louis’ blue beanie and staying there in total focus. There was only a yard or so left when he reached out towards Louis’ back, his hand barely brushing against his moving shirt. His legs burned, but he could make it, even if barely.

Harry reached him just in time. The last yard disappeared into nothingness as Harry stared at Louis’ head, and he just about noticed it when he tumbled straight into Louis’ body. They fell hard, quickly and roughly to the right, landing on the grass of someone’s front yard. Harry’s lungs heaved, eyes seeing only the darkness above them. There were no stars, but he felt a bright ringing in his ear. Louis’ body was somewhere tucked close to him, but he could only think of one thing. He won.

“I fucking did it,” he laughed, but felt Louis’ hand slap painfully on his own. He glanced over and found Louis Tomlinson heaving breathlessly. “Oh, shit.”

His blue eyes looked slightly panicked, and it was a different kind of panic than Harry had ever seen in them. It wasn’t horror at the thought of losing something, but a sheer kind of human fear. He had trouble breathing, and Harry quickly grabbed hold of his arms and directed them above his head.

“Breathe. Slowly,” he instructed. Louis’ eyes were now closed, and Harry felt grateful for it. He didn’t like the look he’d just witnessed. It’d been uncomfortably real.

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