chapter 53

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Harry’s head snapped up and he stared at the side of Louis’ face. Queer. Louis was speaking, aloud, to someone in public, about the fact that he wasn’t straight. Had Harry missed something? Or had he never once had a clue to what was happening in Louis’ head? He supposed not. But Louis was talking about it to someone. He had just announced he was queer, while he held Harry’s hand. Did that mean something to their relationship? Maybe not. But still, he liked the sound and feel of it very much.

“I saw you two when Lottie visited, and you stayed outside.”

“Oh,” breathed Louis.

“Does Mum know?” his stepdad asked.

“No,” he whispered.

He nodded, and he looked kind of sad when he said, “You’ve changed a lot.”

Louis shrugged again.

“I thought… that you and I could have a lads’ night? Since the girls are off with Jay, us boys could do something similar? Or brunch perhaps, if you’re busy tonight?” He nodded at Harry, who didn’t say a word.

“I…” Louis hesitated. Say yes, Harry thought. Say yes. “I think I’ll pass.”

No. No.

Louis’ stepfather looked sad. He looked disappointed and disheartened, and Harry wanted to grab Louis by the shirt and drag him up, push him forward and make him hug his father and say words that would fix everything.

“Maybe another time then.”

Harry stared at the man, trying to not let his feelings show on his face. He watched him turn and walk towards the car when Louis didn’t say anything, and it felt overwhelmingly wrong. All of it. The worst part was that when he attempted to imagine his own father doing what Louis’ had just done, he couldn’t see it.

When his father opened the car door, Louis suddenly sprang up from the porch. He dropped Harry’s hand and stalked forward until he reached the spot where the car was parked.

“Why did you stop coming to my games?” he asked. Louis’ father turned around, and he looked surprised.

“I didn’t want to ruin it for you.”

“Ruin it? It was our thing!”

“Louis, footie is your everything! After the divorce, you refused to talk to me! The last match I went to, you looked heartbroken when I was there. I thought you didn’t want me to come anymore. I would never want to ruin a game you love so much.”

“It was our thing.”

“Do you want me to come?”

“I’ve a match tomorrow.”

“I know. A school two hours from here.”

“You know?”

“Of course, I do. It’s our thing, yeah? I always hope you do well.”


“I’ll be there if you want.”

“I’m not sure I’ll want to talk after.”

“That’s okay.”

Harry watched it all from a distance, cemented to the porch. All he could think was that that man over there, no matter biologically related or not, acted more like a father than his own had ever done. Real parents fought for their kids. They wanted to be in their lives.

When his father had left, Louis strode slowly towards the porch. He made it straight past Harry, unlocked the door, and disappeared upstairs. Harry stiffly got up. His legs ached and his stomach felt cold from sitting in wet clothes for too long. He went up to Louis’ room, able to hear water pouring into the bathtub in the next room. He sat for a few minutes on the edge of the bed, making up his mind.

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