chapter 24

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Dinner began at eight that night. They took a taxi to the restaurant, where they got a fancy booth. His father ordered champagne and they toasted to the new year. Harry's dad wore a semi-fancy suit, and his mother a dark dress and her bracelet. Harry had pulled a dress shirt on with black trousers, and a bowtie around his neck. His dad had fixed it for him, uncharacteristically helpful, but rather than happy it made Harry feel wary. His parents weren't as upbeat as when Gemma had been home, but the mood seemed to linger somewhat.

They were trying, and Harry didn't know if it made him happy or more uncomfortable.

"So, you've got a big party tonight?"

"Yeah," nodded Harry. There'd been a Facebook event circling online, but it wasn't until Liam had texted him to ask whether he was interested that he'd actually decided to go. He was kind of looking forward to it, but he also wasn't sure what mood he'd be in later that night after dinner with his parents.

"Who is going then?" his mother asked.

"Zayn, and some people from class."

"He's a good boy. You've been friends for so long."


He wondered what Louis was doing tonight. Was he with his sisters? With his blond friend, Niall? Was he home, or was he out drinking with friends?

Harry had woken up on Christmas Eve, wanting to text Louis, knowing it was his birthday. It was fucked up, but it was the first thing he'd thought of. And then he'd thought about the kiss. He'd ruminated in detail over Louis' quiet disposition, his firm hands holding onto Harry's own arms, the way his tongue felt in his own mouth... And he hadn't done it. Texting Louis just to wish him a happy birthday was a hundred times more daunting than asking him to come over and fuck, and Harry hadn't even mustered the courage to do that since the kiss.

Nevertheless, after making his decision about Louis, he wanted to see him. He needed to. He had to know what the future was going to be like. Would he have to break it off with him? Zayn's words echoed, and Harry wondered again and again if Louis really was just using him for sex. He didn't want to be used. However, hadn't he also been using Louis? He guessed not. Not if he... had some sort of vague, awkward feelings for him deep down. But that was fucking if.

It was easier to give Louis the choice.

"So, how is Jasmine?" asked Harry's father during the starter, and Harry's shoulders stiffened.
"What?" he whispered.

"You used to be so close," he said, looking at him, brows raised. Shock clutched Harry's body, and he stared back at his father silently, whose face turned into a frown. "What? I know some of your friends. Is she also going to the party?"

Harry swallowed. "We are not close anymore."

"Oh, why not?" sighed his mum. Her hand stroked his arm. "What happened?"

"Nothing really, Mum. We just don't hang out."

"I thought you were dating."

"Dad. No." Harry shook his head firmly. He didn't want to talk about this. He pushed the finished plate away and took a deep sip from his champagne.

"Any other girls you like then?"

He shook his head again, curls scraping his jaw. "No."

His clothes felt uncomfortable. He wanted to loosen the bowtie, but his father had knitted it so firmly that he didn't know how to remove it.

His father laughed. "Are you sure? You look a little flustered, son."

Oh, God. His heart beat harder again.

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