chapter 25

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Harry sighed. Zayn clearly had taken something. He usually was a happy and productive person, but he didn't tend to meddle very much with people's business. Especially not Harry's. Harry walked into the house after him, his best friend very quickly moving through the rooms. Harry followed, looking vaguely for Louis, but more seriously trying to drench the anxiety he felt at Zayn trying to get himself involved in his relationship. Zayn was exaggerating Harry's feelings for Louis greatly, but he had made Harry fess up. What he'd said was the truth. If he found Louis snogging someone else it would be undeniably painful. And it'd be fucking over.

"I found him." Zayn caught Harry on the upper floor. Harry turned around at the sound of his voice and frowned as he noticed his face. He seemed a little worse for wear, only fifteen minutes after disappearing.


"Mad skills, mate."

Harry squinted. "Where is he?"

"Bathroom. He's a little out of it, just so you know."

"Is he okay?"

"Sure. Just high! Like, real fucking stoned. Pretty funny."

"You look pretty fucked up, too, Z."

"Never said it was anything wrong with it," grinned Zayn wickedly, hands reaching for his pocket. "Do you want some molly, too? I got it last night."

Harry feigned a smile. "Another time."

"I'll hold you to it!"

Harry left him where he was, shaking his head. He traipsed down the stairs, and as he did his heart began beating faster. He located the bathroom quickly and inhaled deeply before opening the door. Upon doing exactly so, he saw nothing. The room looked like a normal bathroom, with a toilet, a rug, a sink, and a bathtub. Everything looked normal until Harry realised the bathtub had Louis Tomlinson in it.

"You're not Lima," said Louis as soon as he got a good look at him.

"No," said Harry. His breath felt uneven, but as he watched Louis rest against the side of the tub, cheek pressed to the edge, he realised that Zayn was evidently right; Louis looked stoned. Harry's heart rate slowed somewhat. Perhaps this meant Louis wouldn't be on edge then.

"What are you doing here?" asked Louis, but he sounded a bit curious, rather than annoyed.

"Zayn told me you were here."


"'Cause he's my friend."

Louis raised a brow. Even high, and in a bathtub, he looked purposeful and severe doing it. "Did you want to see me?"

Harry locked the door behind himself and made his way to the tub. The air was different in the bathroom. It was colder, more clear. It felt more like reality, than out there among all the people Harry didn't really know. He climbed over the edge, and settled down into the bathtub quietly, focusing on breathing steadily. His legs fit only on the outsides of Louis', and he pulled his knees towards himself. It got a little easier to breathe a few moments in.

Louis watched him from the other side of the tub. His hair was all over the place, though it obviously had some hairspray in it. He wore a simple t-shirt and jeans, and his skin was faintly tan, as usual. It was like Harry couldn't help but notice every time he looked at him. He was unbearably gorgeous, and so fucking fit. Jesus.

His heart made a double-beat as he opened his mouth to speak, and it came out in a whisper. "So..."

The last time he saw this boy, he'd been snogging him. What was it going to be this time? Maybe Louis regretted it.

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