Summary + Disclaimer

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Lita Mitchell never liked people.

Ever since a young age, she'd developed a deep hatred & desire to kill; one of which simple couldn't be satisfied. It started when she was six; she began decapitating every doll her parents bought her. She'd use her fingernails to scratch their eyes off & rip the synthetic hair from their plastic heads. Eventually her parents sent her to a psychiatrist, who prescribed her some pills, but that never really helped. Lita didn't have the heart to tell them that it never would, either; because medicine couldn't cure someone who wasn't sick.

When Lita was ten, she killed her family's pet dog. She hid it in the basement, claiming her older brother's friends had done it, but everyone knew it was her. Though, there was no way of proving it; especially whereas her brother's friends were into some pretty weird shit, so Lita had managed to get away with it. But her mother still insisted on upping her medication, and booking an extra hundred shrink appointments.

The final straw came when Lita was fifteen; she killed her older brother. The two had been in the midst of a heated dispute when Lita refused to take her meds, and finally, she'd snapped. In hindsight, it probably wasn't smart to leave a knife on the counter with a psycho in the house; but her parents had hoped she was getting better. She'd stabbed him a total of twenty-seven times, without an ounce of remorse. Each stab had only intensified her insatiable desire to kill, and by the time she realized what she was doing, he was long gone.

Lita had hid her brother's body in the old freezer downstairs, but by the time she'd finished doing that; she wasn't fast enough to clean up the crime scene. Once the corpse had been found, as well as a blood covered Lita; she'd been instantly taken away. A trial & verdict later, she was deemed a psychopath by the judge & sentenced to live out her life in the safe confines on Eichen House, where she'd be cared for by professionals & heavily medicated daily. Lita was no longer a threat to the world, and after a few months, she was forgotten.

For over two years, Lita was forgotten, as was her alleged psychosis. She was seen as nothing more than another patient in the nut-house, complying with the everyday schedule. Up until the arrival of a new patient, that is. A seemingly innocent boy with a demon living in his head was everything she needed & more, to finally escape captivity. Her sights were set on freedom, and with the nogitsune, it was a guarantee. After all, in a plan to cause chaos, a psychotic murderer incapable of remorse was valuable. Lita would kill for just about anything, and he knew it.

In fact, he loved it.


WHAT HAVE I DONE? really though, my first stiles fic & i make it a psycho one..

okay, so let me explain this work of horror; this is basically gonna be kind of an au, where we see the void stiles side of things. the ending won't be the same as it is in 3b, and i'm gonna give you a fair warning now, anything could happen. for all i know, scott could die instead of allison (doubtful, but still possible) because this is in an alternate universe. it will still follow a little of the script, but i'm gonna add in a lot.

and no, lita isn't a nogitsune or an oni or anything like that. she's a freaking psychopath who kills people for the hell of it, okay? i've never seen a void stiles fic before, nor have i ever seen something like this; so if you copy it, I'm gonna go all Lita on you. I do not own Teen Wolf (sadly) but I do own the cute little psycho known as Lita Mitchell, so don't steal her.

Face claim for Lita is Janel Parrish, because crazy Mona is life, am I right?

Lastly, please tell me what you think of this? I'm not too sure of it, so I'd love to hear feedback!

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