07; the great escape

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(possible trigger warning for this chapter. i'm not entirely sure of how bad it will be- but i know a few things are mentioned, and i just want to be sure that i don't catch anyone off guard. also, a gore/violence warning.. there may be a little bit of maiming and stuff)

For someone who spent her free time in confinement, freedom never felt better.

No exaggeration necessary, Lita was pretty sure she'd never felt such a genuine sense of happiness when there was no gore or violence present. The feeling of the wind in her hair as she walked alongside Stiles down a back road, it was far beyond the mild breeze she'd occasionally get whilst stalking around the Eichen House porch. It was freedom- and for however long it may last, Lita knew she'd never get enough. Even if Brunski managed to hunt them both down within the hour; a single taste of freedom would never be enough. No matter what anyone did- for all Lita cared, they could taser her, shoot her up with Haldol, leave her in the five point restraint system until she was on knocking on death's door- she'd be insatiable until the day she took her last breath.

Which, if she continued following a certain demonic fox boy blindly through the woods, may be rather soon. It had been no more than thirty minutes since the great escape went down, and Lita was beginning to internally question the nogitsune's sense of direction. She could see relatively clearly through the trees that they were following along what appeared to be a back road; but what she couldn't figure out, is where the aforementioned back road led to. She had yet to see a car drive by, and unless Stiles (or the creature possessing him) was capable of teleportation, Lita was seriously starting to wonder how they intended on getting back to Beacon Hills without wasting all their energy trudging through leaves.

"Not to be rude, but for a centuries old mastermind, you don't seem to have that much of a plan." Lita muttered, pausing for a moment to empty the leaves out of her slipper. Unfortunately for her, in the midst of their great escape, she was unable to snag a pair of shoes from the front desk- not that they'd have any decent ones, anyway. But both she & Stiles looked fresh out of the nut house; and if his plan included hitchhiking, (which she was slowing beginning to assume it did) they'd likely end up back where they started.

"Underestimating me already?" Stiles responded, his tone sharp & emotionless. After a minute more of walking, he stopped abruptly (triggering Lita to run into him). His head snapped to the side, hearing tuning in to the extremely faint sound of tires on pavement, before turning back to Lita with a sinister smirk. Ignoring her confusion & turning away once more, he snapped a small branch from a tree & proceeded to make a deep, jagged cut across his shoulder, followed by a smaller one across his chest. "Not a wise choice."

"I didn't peg you as the type to escape a mental hospital only to kill yourself an hour later." Lita retorted, rolling her eyes as she leaned against the tree he'd broken the branch off. She wasn't entirely sure of his "master plan" but she was slowly starting to catch on- and she knew it was nothing like the snide comment she made seconds earlier. Her eyes flickered down to the bloody stick in his hand, before she quickly pieced together a part for herself to play. "Gimme that."

Stiles glanced down at it before extending his hand forward, careless of what the brunette chose to do. The nogitsune had Stiles' memories- he knew the boy had told her all about the supernatural, and their abilities; meaning if Lita was foolish enough to inflict an injury similar to his upon herself, then she deserved to bleed to death for her own stupidity. But defying his expectations, the brunette instead dragged a sharp splinter across her cheek, making a scratch barely deep enough to bleed, before proceeding to rub the blood on her hands & arms.

She nodded at the demon, before tossing the stick behind her & kicking a few leaves on it. The duo then simultaneously changed their paths, each now heading towards the road as Lita's human hearing finally picked up on the sound of the car speeding towards them. By the time they made it to the road, the vehicle was in sight- leaving just enough time for Lita to hurry out of the ditch & out into the centre of the road; her expression of smugness changing in a split second to one of pain & horror.

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