03; glitched reality

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For the first time in a long time, Lita was genuinely thankful to have met Malia under such circumstances. Throughout all the blonde's strange habits, animalistic behaviour & intolerance for just about everything Lita had to say, Malia never failed to pull through on a heist. It was almost inhuman, her quick reflexes & ability to snag keys from any orderly in the building; even Brunski.

Step one in Lita's plan was set into motion the moment she left Stiles in the boys' room & returned to her own, with a newfound arrogance now in every step she took. Of course, it was indistinguishable to the guards & orderlies, as Lita was always arrogant, but today, she went from ninety-nine percent to a hundred. A perfect plan had pieced together in her mind like a jigsaw puzzle by the time she made it back to her room, and once she explained it to Malia, it's expected outcome was chiseled in stone.

The blond was first going to start a distraction; they'd decided that because Malia was best at stealing, she'd be the one to grab the keys, before passing them off to Lita. It was almost scarily easy how they'd done it; all Malia had to do was tell Oliver the Eichen House staff drilled holes in the heads of patients, and that's why people went mysteriously "missing" occasionally. Lita hadn't even counted to five, and Oliver was already tackling Malia to the ground, screaming in her face; and another few seconds later, Brunski was joining the mix.

He was such a sucker for fights, and Lita knew it, too. Everyone did. Brunski was always the first one to jump in on a fight with a 5ml syringe of Haldol in hand, ready to stab anyone that got on a single nerve of his. It was almost treated as a rule by most of the Eichen patients; don't piss off Brunski, or you're dead meat. It was beyond expected when he roughly separated the two, opting to go for Malia rather than Oliver, simply because the blonde was too closely associated with his least favourite, Lita (who was watching from afar, a smirk set firmly on her chapped lips as she watched Malia take the keys from his pocket).

That'd been the turning point in the plan; once Malia had passed the keys off to her, Lita hurried off to meet Stiles at the door to the basement. She knew it wasn't likely that they'd make it without being caught, but she also knew that Stiles didn't trust her enough to wait until night, when the amount of orderlies roaming the halls significantly decreased. There was also the fact that a part of Lita didn't really want to wait either; she'd always been a little too curious of the basement, and getting to venture into the darkness with one of the most attractive lunatics on the premises was simply an added bonus.

"We don't have long, so be quick." Lita mumbled, passing the keys to Stiles. She would've done it herself, but knowing how much her hands shook nowadays, she didn't want to waste valuable time. It was one of the many side effects of being tasered so frequently. "Hurry."

"Alright, alright." Stiles huffed, turning to the door. He fumbled around with the keyring for a moment, in search of the right key, but couldn't seem to find one that looked like it'd fit. "I thought this guy had a key to everything."

"I do." A voice sounded from behind them, making Stiles jump. Lita, however, had been expecting it all along, and merely turned around with an expression that quite obviously meant something along the lines of "fuck my life." Another orderly was quick to grab her, restraining her arms to avoid getting punched (she'd become quite known for sucker punches). "But nobody has a key to that room."

Lita watched as Brunski dragged Stiles down the hallway, another orderly dragging her closely behind. She would've fought, but she was so completely & utterly done, she knew it wasn't worth it. It'd only make it worse, after all; instead of sedating her, like she knew they were going to, they'd taser her & lock her in the quiet room for hours. The brunette groaned as she was roughly tossed on the floor of one of the many quiet rooms, her eyes locking on Stiles for a split second more before Brunski dragged him further down the hallway & out of sight.

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