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115 AC

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115 AC

At the mouth of the hidden entrance, two figures were watching for the arrival of their beloved niece. The female was standing outside as she marveled at the darkness of the night and how dark it had gotten, yet the star that began to twinkle and the moon that glowed above them, made the night to be eerily beautiful.

The male, however, was leaning on the archway of the entrance. He kept on glancing back and forth to the female behind him, and to the darkness of the hallway, awaiting his niece.

Once he saw her niece standing in front of him, he just smirked at her before taking Valaenyra's hand in his and dragging her to where they are headed.

"Where are we going?" Rhaenyra asked the two adults, but Valaenyra just shushed her with a mischievous smile plastered on her face.

As they were walking through the festival that was held around the flea bottom, Rhaenyra glanced to her right and left as she was awestruck by the spectacle in front of her. She had never spent the night outside the castle before, let alone seen how the common-folk held a festival. She had spent her entire life confined to the castle and the protection of the court.

In order to conceal her Valyrian features, Valaenyra pulled Rhaenyra's cap further lower against her face while she pulled the hood of her own black cloak lower. Similar to Rhaenyra, she covered her womanly figures by dressing like a common lad while still donning a robe to conceal her face.

It was very crowded at night with a lot of people either gambling, fucking, or just flat-out drunk. Rhaenyra's eyes lingered on their surroundings as they moved farther down the alleyway. As they strolled, Rhaenyra slid her fingers into Valaenyra and admired the oddballs and street merchants of King's Landing.

They only stopped when they stumbled upon a play in front of them. It appeared to be a satirical play about the royal family.

"Lies, slander!" Rhaenyra whooped out. "Boo!"

"Don't let their opinion get to you, Rhaenyra," Valaenyra said.

"Jest if you will, but many of the smallfolk is like to believe that, as a male, Aegon should be the heir," Daemon stated unabashedly which let Valaenyra slap his arm.

Valaenyra just wanted one night of peace. One night.

"Their wants are of no consequence," Rhaenyra stated to her uncle before walking away from the play as she couldn't stand to see the performance any longer.

Daemon chuckled as he and Valaenyra walked to catch up with Rhaenyra, "They're of great consequence if you expect to rule them one day."

"For one night, I wish to be free of the burdens of my inheritance," Rhaenyra stated.

They moved on to another alleyway where Rhaenyra saw some street sellers selling a variety of treats as they went away from the performance. She walked over to him and took one of the sweets he was offering before giving it a whiff to figure out what it was.

VENGEANCE AND VANITY || DAEMON TARGARYENWhere stories live. Discover now