Chapter 7: Home Sweet Hell

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Nicole's POV
*Hour Before Concert*

I add a little bit of mascara to complete my look. I haven't seen Tony for two months and I am barely doing anything to look good. He says I look beautiful anyway and I guess I started believing.

My make-up is basic. My outfit is ready for the very hot weather but it is still comfortable - a Pierce The Veil t shirt that is somewhat big, light blue skinny jeans, and plain o' converse. My hair is down and scrunched so it can be curly. I sigh and put a hair tie on my wrist, just in case.

I turn of Chasing Ghosts by The Amity Affliction so I can call Valencia. After a few rings, she answers.

"Oh my God! I think I'm overly excited for this. I don't know. I just, fuck." She is calmer then I thought she was going to be, actually.

I laugh, "You're going to have a lot of fun."

"I've never been to a concert." Valencia admits and I can hear her shaky breath.

"Just wear comfortable clothes. It gets pretty hot backstage." I advise her as I spritz my Love Spell Victoria Secret perfume.

"A band shirt and shorts with fish nets under?" She says it like a question, checking to see if it is appropriate.

"That sounds fine. Why the fish nets?" I ask.

She hums, "To hide things."

"Yeah it sounds okay." I know what she means and I also know she has stayed clean since I met her. "What shoes are you wearing?"

"My purple combat boots." Valencia giggles. "They are my favorite boots ever and they match my Collide With The Sky shirt."

"Those work." I chuckle and then realize I am wearing the exact same shirt. "Oh and we're matching, sort of."

"I'm matching Nicole Perry, holy crap." I think she's crying now.

"I'll stop by your house in about ten minutes and then to the Sexicans we shall go." I make sure I look decent one last time.

Valencia squeals, "Yay! Okay. Um bye."

I shake my head and hang up. I grab my keys and anything else I would need - aka money. I slowly walk down the stars and feel this strange pain in my stomach. I hold my stomach and groan. Then, it comes again. It doesn't hurt as much this time. I feel it on my hand and smile.

It's the baby.

It's kicking.

I know as early as thirteen weeks the baby can start kicking. I happen to be fifteen weeks early. Most woman begin to feel a baby kicking or growing around twenty-five weeks. This is kind of exciting. My appointment is tomorrow which makes everything better. Tony will be with me too.


I check the time and realize I have to go, like right now. I quickly walk down the stairs. I make sure everything is locked in the house before exiting the building. I go to my car and hop inside. I get Valencia's address on my maps before starting to drive over. Her house is just a few streets down but the concert is like forty minutes away. It's at the House Of Blues.

I grab the CD case as I pull up to Valencia's place. I text her to let her know I am outside. She comes running outside within seconds of the text. I giggle and she hops into the passenger seat.

"This is really happening. Oh my..." She trails off before seeing the huge case of CD's.

"You chose, honey." I begin to drive to the venue.

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