Part : 30

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Consequences avoided successfully..

Jungkook watched Taehyung walk away from here and he felt like a certain weight being put onto his shoulders instead of being lifted up.

Bastard! Who does he think he is? He doesn’t know anything about love and he has the audacity to tell me that he loves me, in front of my fiance’s grave too!

It was not good what  the elder did today. He even tore away the donation form the pretty boy had filled this morning! Maybe jungkook wasn’t thinking that time but he did realise it now. He shouldn’t have filled that form in his father’s hospital. Mr Jeon must have panicked a lot.

guess he owes an apology to his parents.

He sighed loudly and closed his eyes, feeling the warm winds of busan blowing his air. It was night and he knew that he couldn’t stay here any longer. The caretaker will shoo him away.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I don’t know how many times I’ll say this to you but I am. I don’t understand what you want from me. You won’t let me come to you and then this happens.” he motioned his hand towards the direction The elder went away. “I’ve told you before and I’m telling you again, I don’t know what went through me yesterday. I know it must be very hard for you to forgive me, but don’t you ever forget this, I love you. Very much. No matter what happens.”


“I always hate it when you give me your silent treatment.”

More silence.

Jungkook threw his hands up in the air. “Fine! I’ll leave but this discussion is not over yet. I’ll see you later.” He said sternly and walked out of the cemetery.

Soon, he found his legs dragging him away to some place. His eyes were down on the path and his mind was replaying the whole thing that has happened in the past twenty four hours. How did he succumb to that tension between him and Taehyung? He will leave that topic for later because that was not so important right now. The important thing was...

Why was he not regretting it?

He felt guilty and ashamed for what He had done to haein. Sex with another man was basically the highest limit of cheating on your man but the pretty boy didn’t regret having sex with Taehyung.

There was something very wrong with him.

His feet continued dragging him to a place and when he looked up, saw that familiar door, he took a step back instinctively.

What the hell?! How did he get here?

He looked around the neighborhood. There was nobody walking on the sidewalk. He realised that he had not booked any hotel or brought his bag in here. He just had his phone and some cards with him. Everything was in its place. The flower pots, the wind chimes, the same old brown door and the small garden in the front.

Nothing changed.

He started biting his lips as a small amount of anxiety settled down in his stomach. The last time he met these people, he was hell bent on leaving them and he did. He touched the doorbell and with a little push of his finger, it rang.

Moments later, he heard footsteps from the inside and the door opened.

“H-Hi,” h croaked out.

Haein’s father stared at him in disbelief, slowly taking in his messed up attire and bloodshot eyes.

“Honey, who is it? It’s pretty late-“ haein’s mom stopped abruptly behind her husband.

JungkooK sniffed. “C-Can I s-stay the night here?”

A Chance To Make Things Right-(TaeKook- BXB) Cmplt✅Where stories live. Discover now