Chapter Two - Blueberry Fog

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Rose was already awake an hour before her alarm rang. Holly was already at the shop prepping for open. She knew this because Rose received a text from her saying,

"You forgot to put the garbage out. That's all you forgot."

That was Holly giving her a praise that she did everything from the list last night. Rose smiled lazily, feeling accomplished but extra tired this early morning. It's probably time to hire part-timers since it's always just been her and Holly. She didn't want to admit it, but the workload is finally catching up to her.

The coffee shop Rosetta is growing.

Rose felt her smiling go wider.

Counting down from ten, Rose told herself to get ready. She failed three times until she forced herself up, and oomfed down on the floor with an aching knee.

Proceeding to ignore the fall like nothing happened, she limped towards her kitchen to start making coffee for herself. She lives cozily above the coffeeshop like her late aunt used to as well. It's a neat loft with enough space for everything that she needed.

When her aunt's lawyer first showed her the property, she couldn't believe how much clutter her aunt had collected. She remembered playing there as a child and loved it because of all the cool trinkets and treasure she would find. Rose then realized later that her aunt was a hoarder.

It took Rose a whole week just to clear the loft. She donated and recycled most of the stuff which took her forever to sort. She also refurbished some furniture like coffee tables, a few stools, and loose shelves. Most of them are used as her own furniture now, and some are used down at the café.

While the brewer is running, Rose put on her jogging outfit which consists of an oversized tee that says "wazzup" in small printing that she made years ago in high school, and yellow athletic pants which she thought resembles more of a vomit yellow. Her socks are bright green and you can definitely see them in between her red running shoes and pants.

Rose looked as colourful as a clown, and she felt ridiculous. But it didn't matter because to Rose, no one was going to see her this early since everyone would still be in bed. She gathered a mug of freshly brewed coffee, her laptop and head downstairs to the café.

Holly was already stocking up freshly baked pastries in the glass container. The clock says 5:30 am, and Rose tugged the neon-light open sign on the door.

"I'm going to be on a hunt for a new barista today." Rose said to Holly while she served herself a plate of croissant.

"About time." Holly replied, giving Rose a look of excitement. "You see these bags under my eyes?" 

"Have you seen mine?" Rose replied with a snicker.

"Does that mean I'll be getting a raise, too?" Holly asked.

"I'll think about it." Rose said. She was already planning on it anyways, but didn't want to tell Holly yet.

Holly shrugged, and refilled stacks of sugar packets in their designated containers while Rose sat herself down by the glass window to have her breakfast and put up an ad for hire online.

Rosetta is looking for a motivated individual to join our team. Please drop-off your resumé in person, and ask for Rose.

Rose also printed two copies and hung one by the glass window, and one up on the bulletin board where flyers from the community are scattered. She returned to her seat, and finished her croissant before chugging down the last bit of her coffee.

Holly was already by her side to pick up her dishes. Rose was going to object but Holly shook her head at her.

"Don't make a fuss, I'm just doing my job. Have a good run boss."

Rose smiled and said her thanks before heading out the door.

The cool autumn breeze hit her on the face which made her shiver. She speed walked first before warming up into a jog that turned into a nice comfortable pace of 7:30. She ran her five miles at her usual trail by some apartment complexes, condos and residential areas, then crossed a park that leads back to the café.

Rose took in the early morning scenery of ember coloured trees, yellow leaves on the ground, and the morning sunrise as she ran. It was nice, and calming especially when the birds chirped and the frogs croaking in the distance. When she finally reached the front of the café, Rose stopped to catch her breath with her hands behind her head while pacing back and forth. She noticed a black motorcycle nearby, and a few cars that indicated that there were a few customers in the café already.

The door of the café opened, and that woman named Harlow from last night looked at Rose with a drink in hand and a pastry bag in the other. She wore her the same outfit with the leather jacket over her blue scrubs, and a black cap that hid her red hair. She looked even more tired than before.

Rose paused, and gave Harlow a smile.

"Good- morning, Harlow." Rose panted. "How are you?"

Harlow blankly stared back, then down at Rose's wazzup shirt. Rose felt being looked up and down which made her arms fall down to her sides instinctively.

"Fine." Harlow replied, looking away.

"I see that you got the same peach cream danish from last night. Did you like it?"

"Just enough that I paid for it." Harlow replied.

"Cool." Rose beamed. "What drink did you get this time?"

"I chugged down an energy drink an hour ago, and I didn't want to die from heart failure so I got some sort of tea latte?" Harlow said in a questioning tone as she stared at her drink.

Rose could smell the blueberry scent from the cup.

"Ah, the famous Blueberry Fog." Rose said.

"Yeah- how..?"

"I own the place so I'm familiar with the smell coming from your drink." Rose grinned.

Harlow stared at Rose blankly again, and Rose couldn't read her facial expression. Harlow hid it with her hat.

"I'm Rose. I guess it's weird that I know your name and you don't know mine." She said, filling in the awkward silence.

Harlow nodded. She looked down at Rose's shirt again and said,

"Nice shirt."

"Oh." Rose completely forgot about her ridiculour attire and chuckled at herself. "Thanks." Her cheeks burned as she scratched the back of her neck, embarrassed.

"I better go, I only have half an hour of break." Harlow said and quickly walked away before Rose could say anything back.

Rose stared after Harlow while she placed her drink in the compartment behind her motorcycle. She took off her hat that revealed her messy ember hair that matched the colour of the trees around. They swayed in the air as the gust of wind breezed by. Freckles splattered across her face, and Rose could not look away until Harlow caught her. Harlow quickly put on her helmet, hiding herself and zipped up her leather jacket all the way. She straddled her motorcycle, then quickly turned the engine on.

Rose pursed her lips, stunned at how attractive that was. She waved a hand goodbye, gawking as Harlow zoomed passed her and the café. Shaking her head, Rose slapped herself with both hands on her cheeks to snap herself out of it.

With a deep breath, Rose entered the café and rushed upstairs to change and get ready for her shift.

No time for distractions.

But damn, she was hot.

Quit it.

Something about her straddling that motor-

"Oh my god, stop!" Rose exclaimed to herself while she took a cold shower. "Fuck!" Rose gasp at the cold water hitting her skin. It helps her sore muscles recover faster.

It also stopped her from thinking about the mysterious woman, Harlow.

At least for a little while anyways.

Cold showers are actually good for you. It made me not sad for a while. 🥲

Coffee at 23:45Where stories live. Discover now