Chapter Four: Raspy Carrot

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Harlow lived in a fancy neighbourhood. She lives in a condo, but it was the neigbourhood known for people with money. Rose swore they passed by an extravagant water fountain in a nearby park, and the air smelled different when they went up a hill.

"Right by that building is fine." Harlow said, already unbuckling her seat belt.

"Oh, okay." Rose said, slowing down while being distracted by a man in black and red uniform. He was standing at the entrance of the fancy building, nodding his head in greeting at people who pass by. When Rose came to a complete stop, Harlow immediately opened her side of the door and got out. She slung her backpack on, and nodded at the man by the entrance.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Harlow." The man greeted with a kind smile.

"Hi, Gunner." Harlow replied. She looked back at Rose and paused not really knowing what to say. Rose gave her a friendly grin.

"See you around, Dr. Harlow." She said with a slight wave.

Harlow nodded and pursed her lips. It looked like she was going to say something more but she just closed her side of the door and entered the condo building without looking back.

The man named Gunner stared at Rose, watching her like a protective hawk. Rose gave a nervous wave goodbye and drove away.

It didn't take long for Rose to be back at her café, and she cursed when she saw that multiple cars were parked by the street and her usual parking spot was occupied. She had to park a street over and thought that the café must be busy by now. Rose hurried, and finally entered Rosetta.

"I have an almond latte for Sandra!" Holly called out the drink, her voice loud and clear over the crowd of customers in the café. Kai was busy taking people's orders but a smile was still on his face. He was multi-tasking by grabbing pastries and accepting payments. Holly was unfazed, she was following drink routine and sanitizing her counter every each drink made.

Rose absoreb the energy in the café. Students were drinking their coffee and at the same time studying. Some people brought their book to read, some were working on their laptop. There was an interview going on in the corner of the café, a long-time friend visiting, and an obvious date by the glass window. The smell of delicious pastries combined with the aroma of coffee lingered in the air, indie music playing in the background...

Rose couldn't help but smile because this is hers. This is Rosetta. Rose had a moment of appreciation and immediately caught Kai's gaze. He was still new, so Rose knew that he must be keeping it together since he was not used to how busy it gets, yet.

Rose noticed that they were running low on mugs, and cups, plus the pastry case looked bare. Some tables needs to be cleared and wiped, the sugar and topping station needs some cleaning as well.

She immediately bee-lined through the back, took her coat off, and put on an apron. She tied up her curly hair with her forest green bandana, and washed her hands before grabbing a cloth and a bucket to pick up dishes in the café.

"Sorry about the delay guys, you're doing great!" Said Rose when she passed by her baristas.

Rose greeted the customers as she made her way through the café. She talked to the regulars while wiping tables, and smiled while they fill her in to what's the latest in their lives.

She carried back the dishes behind the counter, and checked on her baristas again.

"I'm cool." Said Kai, a grin on his face and his dimples showing. "This is fun, actually."

Rose asked Holly how she's doing.

"Me? Don't worry about me. I'm stellar." Holly said with a shrug and kept working nonchalantly.

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