Part 18

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Warnings - panic attack, pining, abusive family

"I can't do it," he said dismally.

"It's okay, I understand," I said rubbing his back.

"It's not because I don't think you could handle it, I just, I just, can't do it to you. You are so bright, despite what you've been through. That place is the definition of darkness. I think seeing you there would be like blocking out a part of the Sun."

"That's really sweet Regulus, If you change your mind, let me know," I said.

"C-can I hug you? I've never had anyone offer me something so sweet. Sirius didn't even ask if I wanted to leave with him. He didn't even-" he began to breathe shallow, shaky breaths.

"Oh, no, Regulus," I said.

"He didn't," he couldn't handle it. I saw tears fill his eyes, and they spilled down his cheeks.

"He, was, just, gone," he gasped after every word.

"Come here," I hugged him close as he shook. It was like in the hospital wing. I disliked Sirius more right now more than I ever had.

"He was one of the only good things about that place. As much as we fought. I loved him, I still do. I just wish he saw me differently," he said sadly.

"Oh, I do too," I said, running my hands through his curls. I stilled when I felt his lips purse, and place a kiss to the base of my neck. Maybe it was just because he knew a lot of different cultures, maybe friends kissed in other places. Either way, my skin was on fire despite the snow.

"Sh-should we exchange gifts? T-to take our minds off dark things?" I asked. Because I was about to scar Hagrid if he didn't get off me soon.

"Yes, I'm excited!" He said, jerking out of my grasp. "I never get to get people gifts! Because you know I don't have like any friends," he joked.

"I over gift," I said plainly, remembering the start of the year with the marauders.

"I want to go first!" I said eagerly grabbing my bag.


"First, here," I handed him the three books. "That Damn Bassist" which had a shirtless boy with a bass and many tattoos and eyeliner. A girl glared at him, and he was winking. "Newly Weds" which had two barely clothed individuals clinging to one another. Finally, "Be Professional" which had a girl in a bra and underwear riding a smirking man's thigh, she was staring daggers at him.

"They look perfect," he giggled. "I love it thank you."

"I'm not done!" I said excitedly.

"Oh you really didn't have to get me more," he said, holding his hands up.

"Well, I did, I picked this out just for you," I said. I handed him a ring in the shape of a star, with blue and clear stones. "Since you have a star name."

"I adore it," he said, trying it on. He fiddled with it happily.

"Next comes the lamest gift," I said, I was honestly a bit embarrassed to give it to him. "It's something I learned about in Muggle Studies. I made it for you. It's called a friendship bracelet, I made us both one."

I handed him the small circle and he handled it like a newborn. I'd used grey, green, blue, and bronze string. I'd followed a muggle pattern and made us both one. I showed him mine on my wrist. He hurriedly put it on.

"I'm never, ever taking it off," he said earnestly.

"Oh, Reg," I blushed. "You don't have to be like that."

"I'm serious, they'll find my body when I die and I'll have this on my wrist," he promised.

"You're being morbid," I said, crinkling my nose happily.

"Your turn!" He said. He grabbed his bag. He pulled out a huge book, bound with gold.

"I remembered you saying you wanted to be a Hogwarts Professor, or just a Professor at a magical school. Hogwarts a History is a book I'm sure you have, but this is an updated edition and has huge portions about the other magical schools," he explained as he handed it to me. I knew it had to be so expensive, it looked like it had to cost nearly 100 galleons.

"Regulus," I gasped. "This is stunning, thank you so much."

"And then there's something else I think you'll love," he smiled sweetly, and pulled something impossible out of his bag. It must have been enchanted.

"I cannot accept this," I said in awe.

"Please, then we will actually be evenly matched."

"These are nearly 200 galleons Regulus," I said.

"I've got money to burn, and I've only got one best friend," he smiled. "Please."

I looked at the gorgeous broom. It put mine to shame. My parents would begrudgingly update my broom every couple years, but always get a refurbished one. This was pristine, brand new, and top of the line.

"Thank you!" I said hugging it to me happily. "I adore it."

"We're 'ere!" Called Hagrid. Regulus said he'd hold our gifts in his bottomless bag. Before we could get off we were met with a grinning Hagrid.

"End o' the trip," he said.

"Yeah?" Said Regulus in confusion.

"I like to throw in a little extra for me riders at the end," he beamed, beetle black eyes alight with mischief. From out of his pocket, he pulled a mistletoe and held it over our heads.

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